Friday, September 28, 2018

Now is the Time...

“ Now is the time for the world to know 
that every thought and action is sacred.
  This is the time to compute the impossibility
that there is anything but grace. ”

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I Have Verified...

I have verified that so much of what is real is unseen, 
but perceived by other senses, 
including very refined perceptions of other dimensions. 
From an emotional standpoint, 
the heart is such a great teacher, 
if only we can still our minds enough to hear it speak. 
That’s why moments of silence are such a profound gateway. 
Because the movements of the heart 
are too subtle sometimes to be glimpsed 
from the context of our busy lives 
unless we are so very present.

Friday, September 21, 2018

The More One Judges....

George Frederick Watts

The more one judges, 
the less one loves.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Epictetus and Seneca...

Epictetus and Seneca, 
the former a Roman slave and the latter a Roman emperor, 
both advised to embrace whatever life brought us 
and that by doing this we would invoke the rod of Hermes, 
turning suffering, sickness and even death into gold.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Love Changes Everything...


Love changes everything. 
Love in the present. 
The state of Love. 
We can soar high over the difficulties of life 
if we can use the energy that is activated 
by the state of love to be present 
and not allow the identifications of the mind and body 
to suck it all down into the cellular world.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Remembering An Angle...

Remembering an angle from the journal on Time 
"if we do not use time then time will use us”. 
It seems when we are ‘in’ time we are identified
but when ‘out’ of time we are present
and in the higher place of consciousness outside time. 
We give our life energy and our ‘lifetime’ 
to this work aim to go to a higher level of consciousness. 
So perhaps to become a spectator of time
we need to be outside of it. 
For this, we ask the assistance of higher forces.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Eye ...

The eye with which I see God
is the same eye with which God sees me.
~Meister Eckhart

Monday, September 10, 2018

Each Time A New Buffer Falls...

Each time a new buffer falls, 
each time we reflect on a new sense of dispassion or calm - 
these are beautiful junctures like the circles. 
We come back to the same place with new eyes. 
This is so hard to explain, 
but SO worth the effort. 
We had the gift of Mervyn, 
who could bring us into his state, 
with a few exquisite words. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Presence is a Gift Indeed...

 Presence is a gift indeed, 
and putting it at the top of the list of my priorities was necessary. 
There has been payment of course,
 for taking these actions, but after I did, 
everything began to settle inside me 
and Presence became really intense, 
experiencing moments with Mervyn like many, many years ago. 
Something big is growing inside me, 
and extending to others at meetings
and when I am with other people. 
Very mysterious miracle, being part of this adventure.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The painting is...

 Spiritual Transit, Remedios Varo

The painting is like a pilgrimage, 
a wondering continually into this center of Love 
away from all Things, 
especially my own I’s, fear and identifications (Other souls too). 
One day I suspect this center will explode into another world 
and all will be new again on another level, 
for now the gift of presence is teaching me to be here 
and accept this creation, myself and others. 
A funneling and continuation of Love 
into the widening circles of life.

Monday, September 3, 2018


Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be.

But what will happen in all the other days that ever come 

can depend on what you do today.

~ Ernest Hemingway