Friday, December 29, 2023

What Survives...


What Survives

Who says that all must vanish?
Who knows, perhaps the flight
of the bird you wound remains,
and perhaps flowers survive 
caresses in us, in their ground.

It isn't the gesture that lasts,
but it dresses you again in gold
armor —from breast to knees—
and the battle was so pure
an Angel wears it after you.
~Rainer Maria Rilke

Monday, December 25, 2023

Glory To God...


“Glory to God in the highest, 
and on earth peace, 
good will toward men” 
~Luke 2:14

Friday, December 22, 2023

The Kingdom...


The kingdom, 
it can't be built through conflict. 
Not by opposition, 
not by destruction. 
It grows with us, 
with every act of love and care, 
with our forgiveness. 
We have the power to lift the people, 
just as he did, 
and then we will be free, 
just as he is.
~Mary Magdalene

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

In My Work...


In my work 
I have verified that the Work 
is preparation to be able to process and hold, 
build being when being done unto
Without understanding, 
these moments of grace, 
being done unto, 
could not produce any triad.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Today I Had A Conversation...


Berthe Morisot

Today I had a conversation with my son 
about presence 
and we talked about quieting the mind 
and dividing attention. 
We stayed in silence and gazed. 
And he said, 
is it about a deep listening then? 
And I realized that perhaps that is part of it,  
a deep listening, 
as in my last quote from Rumi. 
If we wait patiently and long enough, 
the soul will become the receiver, 
the translator of God’s language and our Being. 
This vessel will start to live a life that is so full, 
so full of the deep listening of what is next.  
How can I be more serviceable 
How can I love more? 
All will be answered, 
every question, 
every longing of the past will be answered. 
~F & Rumi

Friday, December 15, 2023

Sweet Are The Uses Of Adversity...

"Sweet are the uses of adversity which, 
like the toad, 
ugly and venomous, 
wears yet a precious jewel in his head."
~William Shakespeare As You Like It

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Lately I've Been Thinking...


Erin Hanson

Lately I've been thinking & feeling that Creation, 
the Creator, 
LIFE is waiting for us. 
Waiting for us to SEE it, 
FEEL it and be a part of the wonder. 
It wants us to join in.

Monday, December 11, 2023

For Me ...


For me this inner stillness, 
silence, emptiness, 
this void, that many avoid, 
is my only real refugee. 
“Just This. Just Now” as Mervyn used to say. 
Where everything belongs, 
where there is no separation. 
No need for joy, or happiness because it Just Is. 
That extraordinary glimpse 
could possibly be a state of Real Love. 
This is what I long for. 

Friday, December 8, 2023

What I Have Been Verifying...


What I have been verifying lately in myself 
is that my inner world has been quiet 
after years of struggle with mechanics 
and pursuit of higher states and mystical experiences. 
I have come to a place of rest. 
The machine that has accompanied me in the work 
isn’t comfortable with this state, 
yet I meet it over and over again. 
I recognize that stillness has the quality of Grace 
where the gods enter and all seems possible. 
Yet there is a part of the machine 
that is still restless 
even when presented with this newly found state of peace. 
I stay in the discomfort. 
It reminds me 
of when Mervyn would try to shake of a higher state 
and it wouldn’t leave him. 
My soul is holding me in silence and I wait.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023



Sometimes, by 'letting go' 
we allow some 'grace' to enter by another channel, 
which all our mental efforts have hitherto kept out. 
Stillness is a quality of the heart. 
We must not expect to find it 
among the doubts of the mind—
it is the mind which must make way for it.
~Rodney Collin The Theory of Conscious Harmony

Monday, December 4, 2023

The Awareness...


Douglas Francois Girard

The awareness of how thin a veil there is 
between life and death 
has been with me very strongly
 since I was in my early 20s. 
It came as a result of an accident, 
when I felt myself flying in space, 
and was certain I was dying. 
Since then, 
after a pure experience of the soul 
separating from the body, 
I see death more as an amazing mystery, 
and less of a horror. 
The freedom experienced 
when I felt life was being taken away 
was profoundly educational, 
and also gave me a first glimpse of higher worlds. 
Since then, 
I have rarely lost that sense of death 
awaiting me around every corner. 
And when I am able to bring presence to it, 
this feeling pushes me to strive higher.

Friday, December 1, 2023

God's Bucket...


If this world was not held in God’s bucket
How could an ocean stand upside down on its head
 and never lose a drop?
If your life was not contained in God’s cup
                                                    How could you be so brave and laugh,                                                                                
Dance in the face of death?
There is a private chamber in the soul 
that knows a great secret
Of which no tongue can speak.
Your existence my dear, O love my dear, 
Has been sealed and marked “Too sacred”, 
“too sacred” by the Beloved – 
To ever end!
Indeed God has written 
a thousand promises all over your heart
That says
Life, life, life
Is far too sacred to
Ever End

Monday, November 27, 2023

It Seems...

It seems that we have death around us - 
the flower dies, the sun sets, 
the grass goes from green to brittle brown, 
the waves come crash and go - 
but meet the leaving of the human is still a grasping concept. 
I wonder why? 
I think it is because we have a brain 
that imagines all sorts of things, 
mostly our importance in the world. 
If I am quiet in my body without I's 
I am just that, a body, 
a grain of sand on the beach. 
This helps take the fear and place it in perspective.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Gratitude ...


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. 
It turns what we have into enough, and more. 
It turns denial into acceptance, 
chaos to order, 
confusion to clarity. 
It can turn a meal into a feast, 
a house into a home, 
a stranger into a friend.” 
~ Melody Beattie

Monday, November 20, 2023

When I Was In School...


When I was in school, 
I always wondered what happened at death. 
When I was 12, I asked my rabbi 
what happens when you die, 
He said you become dust. 
I asked him how this could be, 
if I am something now, 
how can I become nothing? 
At uni, my teacher was explaining 
Einstein's theory of relativity, e=mc2. 
Then I realized that before we were born we were energy, 
at birth become matter, 
and again at death 
go back to the energy side of the equation. 
When I'm remembering myself 
I don't have thoughts about death. 
It seems just like some kind of continuation 
of the experience I am having.

Friday, November 17, 2023

I Was Out In My Garden...

I was out in my garden 
planting two new pots and watering. 
I totally lost track of time. 
I found some flowers peeping up 
from a previous planting 
that were such exquisite colours of peach, pink, gold. 
I had to stop and be still with them a little while 
and breathe their reality into my heart, 
to feel that the colors were transmitted from the light, 
through the light and held in another space and time, 
like the colors floated here 
in a substantial kind of way, 
hovering and waiting to be seen by the soul. 
It really did lift me up with its beauty, 
it was a real moment of beauty.

Monday, November 13, 2023



Truly, it is in darkness

that one finds the light,

so when we are in sorrow,

then this light is nearest of all to us.

~Meister Eckhart

Friday, November 10, 2023

I Will Try To Explain...


I will try to explain in words 
something ineffable! 
I remember reading 
in DEEPER MAN by J.G. Bennett 
that in the higher worlds 
one needs more substance 
to be able to live there. 
Words such as "finer, subtler, etc." 
are used to define the higher worlds 
and one can think of them 
as fairy-like when in reality 
higher worlds are more real, 
more substantial. 
I can see and feel (how to explain) 
the inconsistencies within myself 
and how I so often fall (inside) 
like a house of cards. 
How I wish to BE substantial, 
To be able to stand and withstand.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Trees...

Abraham Magier

The Trees

The Trees talk 

in rain and in snow.

I feel their aliveness


The Soul unites with the trees,

and the trees are so Silent.

This Silence 

calls forth Eternity.

And I know God will not let it

all end...

~ Abraham Magier

From - Toward Awareness of Body and Soul

Discovering Who am I

Monday, November 6, 2023

Something Special...


Something special in Snow White 
is when the Queen asked the mirror 
who was more beautiful. 
The answer came back that she was beautiful 
but that Snow White even surpassed her in beauty. 
For me this is a good answer, 
the body is beautiful 
but perhaps the soul is just a bit more beautiful.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Rodney Points Out ...


Rodney points out 
that we can have negative thoughts internally, 
but if we do not emanate negativity, 
we hurt no one. 
It is important that the energy 
which we project outwardly is positive, and loving. 
And then we have the possibility 
of "turning" the negativity which is outside us 
and using it in a positive way 
(and possibly "turning" the negativity INSIDE us, as well, 
into a force for love or good).

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Kingdom...


The kingdom, 
it can't be built through conflict. 
Not by opposition, 
not by destruction. 
It grows with us, 
with every act of love and care, 
with our forgiveness. 
We have the power to lift the people, 
just as he did, 
and then we will be free, 
just as he is.
~Mary Magdalene

Monday, October 30, 2023

I Remember ...

I remember being very negative 
in an argument with my Boss many years ago. 
I tried self-remembering but was being difficult. 
Then, I saw the Human Resource gentlemen. 
He was listening and at peace. 
His peace gave me permission 
to return to my peace. 
It was then I verified 
how negative emotions have been taught to us 
and it is within us.

Friday, October 27, 2023

One Way...


One way I can "be ground, be crumbled ..." 
is to loosen my expectations. 
Then I can be open 
to receive the floating seeds of the wildflowers. 
This kind of practice 
has been very powerful for me lately. 
It's a new way to see through becoming more receptive, 
more relaxed (thank you, Maurice Nicoll!). 
Then images and events, 
surprising gifts from higher realms 
become visible and can change my path, 
perhaps correct my path.

Monday, October 23, 2023

About Our School...


Edouard Manet

(About our school)
The mirror of presence is invaluable.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Somebody Should Tell Us...


Somebody should tell us, 

right at the start of our lives, 

that we are dying.

Then we might live life to the limit,

every minute of every day.

Do it!

I say.

Whatever you want to do,

do it now!

There are only so many tomorrows.

~Pope Paul VI

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Current Of The Work ...


The current of the work draws us in 
to submit more than we perhaps know 
or would be mechanically comfortable with. 
In my own play 
recently has come the experience 
of the third class of negative emotion 
that Ouspenksy outlines, 
those that we cannot stop, 
only observe when they come. 
It's helping me to understand better 
the second conscious shock - 
of the transformation of negative emotions 
because in these states the soul is aflame. 
And any leak or egoism 
will only serve to give expression to one's anguish. 
And then down we go. 
In these cases, 
it's becoming apparent 
that the only value in these states 
is the ultimate valuation and trust in God 
and all his servants. 
For what else could our sufferings 
be propelling us toward if the first shock is maintained. 
And so in ultimate friction and cleaved heart 
the smile and comfort of our father 
can overtake me 
and these pains can be transmuted 
into acceptance and grace, 
lightening the load of our creator

Monday, October 16, 2023

I Desire...

Guilio Romano

I desire each and everyone of you 
to evolve to your maximum potential.
So do the Gods 
who long before 
have incessantly prepared you all 
for a great happening.
What has been missing and now must be replaced 
is your Desire to awaken.
Eros and I are ready to serve you 
and that is not all.
There are other Gods in the wings 
waiting to emerge too.
Love to you all,

Deseo que todos y cada uno de Ustedes, 

evolucionen a su máximo potencial.

Así lo hicieron los Dioses, 

quienes incesantemente, 

los han preparado a todos para un gran suceso.

Lo que ha estado faltando 

y ahora debe ser reemplazado, 

es vuestro Deseo por despertar.

Eros y yo, 

estámos listos para ayudarlos; 

y eso no es todo.

Hay otros Dioses en las alas, 

listos para emerger también.

Amor a todos,
