Friday, September 29, 2023

The Process Of Changing ...


The process of changing 
or “transforming” lead into gold 
is a process of making coarser impressions 
into finer ones. 
This can be done externally 
in one’s environment and actions. 
It can also be done internally 
by developing sensitivity 
to impressions in one’s essence, 
and psychologically, 
by being present to these impressions 
and experiencing them more fully. 
Alchemy has never been limited 
to the practical working of substances; 
it has always had a spiritual and soulful aspect. 
A perfect example of this is St. John of the Cross, 
who was also called the Alchemist of the Soul. 
He was able to give guidance 
for the alchemical mutation process, 
which is a kind of mystical purification.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Naked A Man...


Naked a man comes into the world
and naked he leaves it, 
after all is said and done
he leaves nothing 
except the good deeds he leaves behind.

Friday, September 22, 2023

There Have Been Moments...

There have been moments in my life 
when a person or persons have appeared and been of aid - 
physical, emotional, or spiritual - 
and shortly thereafter have dissolved away, 
either disappeared altogether, 
or changed back into normal beings. 
It seems at these times as if angels 
are hovering in human form, 
but there’re truly no actual words 
for what these experiences are. 
I just know they are super-real, 
objective connections with higher worlds, 
finer energies. 

Monday, September 18, 2023



Vincent Van Gogh

as often as someone is in the state of being present 
to exchanging hydrogens, 
the more we get active in this world of the gods. 
Any students who are in World 12 or 24 
can easily pick up the energy 
and build the connection to C Influence. 
The responsibility of my inner world 
is to raise the hydrogens as high as possible 
wherever I am, 
and this is same for all of us.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Through Our Meetings ...

Joseph Wall

Through our meetings 
we must create a H12 Oasis on Earth.
Through our meetings 
we can slowly learn to push back the lower energies 
which are constantly trying to consume us.
We are now a School of Love. 
A School where a Student 
must learn to operate and function in World 12.
Meetings must become a place 
where the Soul will feel at home 
and will flourish towards its Birth.
I urge all of you to think before you speak.
Words are the cruelest infliction we impose on each other. 
Words can wound and deter, 
they can elevate and destroy.
Please treat each other 
as an important part of your possibilities. 
Without each other we will have no School.
During a meeting 
if a Student begins to lower the energy in the room 
please indicate it to them.
I would expect the student to retreat 
and not affect the group energy.
We must learn to interact and function in this way.
Life is outside the doors beckoning you, 
inside you must become a sanctuary for each other.
Let us become known for our gentleness 
and energy wherever we go. 
Love to you All,

Monday, September 11, 2023

We're So, So Lucky...


Gustave-Max Stevens

We're so, SO lucky to have a Living School, 
a place where we can share 
what CANNOT be shared 
out there in the A Influence world. 
Certain things, 
certain Moments that the Machine cannot comprehend - 
those Moments that are, truly, Ineffable Gifts - 
moments that are nearly impossible 
to write down on a piece of paper. 

Friday, September 8, 2023



"Forgiveness is not an
occasional act, 
it is a constant attitude."
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023



Stephanie Rew

Pressure is a privilege.
It only comes to those who earn it.
~Billie Jean King

Monday, September 4, 2023

Something Special ...


Something special in Snow White 
is when the Queen asked the mirror 
who was more beautiful. 
The answer came back that she was beautiful 
but that Snow White even surpassed her in beauty. 
For me this is a good answer, 
the body is beautiful 
but perhaps the soul is just a bit more beautiful.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Life Is...


“Life is never all of one thing. 
It will always flow from pain to joy, 
irritation to patience, 
love to hatred, 
and confidence to fear.
This is life and so it will be with relationships. 
If we are to sustain a relationship 
there must always be a flow 
of giving and receiving.
Work at making your life a work of art 
by noticing when you are out of balance 
with the natural flow of life.” 