Wednesday, September 30, 2020

This Beloved...


Remedios Varo

“This Beloved of ours is merciful and good. 
Besides, he so deeply longs for our love 
that he keeps calling us to come closer. 
This voice of his is so sweet 
that the poor soul falls apart 
in the face of her own inability to instantly do 
whatever he asks of her. 
And so you can see, 
hearing him hurts 
much more than not being able to hear him… 
For now, 
his voice reaches us through words spoken by good people, 
through listening to spiritual talks, 
and reading sacred literature. 
God calls to us in countless little ways all the time. 
Through illnesses and suffering 
and through sorrow he calls to us. 
Through a truth 
glimpsed fleetingly in a state of prayer he calls to us. 
No matter how halfhearted 
such insights may be, 
God rejoices 
whenever we learn what he is trying to teach us.”
~St. Teresa of Avila 

Monday, September 28, 2020

We Cannot Learn...


Marc Chagall

We cannot learn to forgive one another 

until we learn to forgive ourselves.  

It is common for us to react negatively 

when we witness the behavior of someone 

whose chief feature is the same as ours.  

We are repelled by their mechanicality 

because it reflects the degree 

to which we ourselves lack control.  

The more we acknowledge how helpless we are, 

the greater compassion we will feel towards others.

~Mervyn Brady 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Nature is...

Leonardo DaVinci

 Nature is the source of all true knowledge. 
She has her own logic, 
her own laws, 
she has no effect 
without cause nor invention without necessity. 
~Leonardo DaVinci 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

I Wanted To Share...

I wanted to share something about the sun. 
Photons (units of energy) of sun 
take 8 min or so to reach the earth from the surface. 
But the photon originating at the core 
can take up to a million years to get to the surface. 
The sun is so dense that the photon 
has to keep bouncing around 
and being dragged through the different layer systems 
of the sun for eons. 
It’s amazing to understand the journey that it, 
the photon, has to undertake to get to us. 
A metaphor for divine love, right? 
And it also parallels our journey 
as organic form to man to conscious man. 
Seems the sun also understands our journey.

Monday, September 21, 2020

In This Time...

 In this time I feel we have become more 
“Unified” in lightness as a Cosmos, a School. 
Our soul's join and quiver 
like strings kissing the thin skins of our 
confines within this realm, 
reaching into a higher atmosphere 
and understanding 
our divine responsibility towards Love. 
Let us float together today in this light.


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Flowing, Magical, Joyous!

Water has so much to teach us,
we are composed mostly of water, 
and when we learn to imitate water, 
to just flow and not resist what life 
brings us in each moment. 
Then we can be like water in nature,
 flowing, magical, joyous! 
 - J 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Limitless Love...

"Limitless Love,
from the depths, to the stars,
flooding all, loving all,
it is the royal kiss of peace"
~Hildegard of Bingen

Monday, September 14, 2020

After A While...

Mark Rothko

After a while in this work, 
one can find “The center”. 
No matter how lost we become in our little galaxies. 
One can be silent and move into the center 
and presently wait for the light and breath of the sun. 
In silence, it is possible to “Feel” this breathing 
of another higher being inside.

Friday, September 11, 2020

There Is A Center Point...

Natasha Tayles

There is a center point in all of us 
that goes to the center of the universe 
to the heart of god. 
Dare we say that it goes to God himself? 
Finding this center point 
and valuing enough to find this point again and again 
in ourselves is perhaps what this means. 
What is outside - the stars, 
nature man is also what is inside us. 
The sun, perhaps was worshiped as God by our ancestors. 
But really it was the energy of all life. 
The deep knowing that we are really energy. 
We are form 
and nothing without this divine energy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Death Is...

Death is only interesting
in relation to the search for what cannot die.
~Rodney Collin, The Theory of Conscious Harmony

Friday, September 4, 2020

That Is What...

 That is what the machine does, 
it mocks the work. 
It down plays, 
and everything else to undermine it's realness; 
to give it less credibility. 
And it's all done to keep us asleep. 
What a beautiful state to be completely detached 
from the machine and it's "I's" 
and see it for what it's worth, 
and see how it's almost comical. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Today Is Naz McSweeney’s Birthday...

Today is Naz McSweeney’s birthday.
I don’t think there was one soul 
she didn’t touch in her lifetime.
She was a wonderful teacher 
for myself and others 
and had such a deep understanding of the work.
My life has been so enriched knowing her 
and I continue to feel her presence
to this day.