Sunday, March 7, 2010

SOULS' BREAKFAST - Day Twenty-five

Beloved Souls,
Ever since, no matter where I am and what I am experiencing, I look for the beauty, I look for the joy… God is everywhere, in a bird, in a a drop of water!
It was a summer afternoon, four years ago when I was walking down a grey and grimy, pothole-riddled street with a friend.   I had suffered a terrible loss and was feeling intense sadness, grief and pain.  I was eliminating, my friend was listening.  Words of sorrow cascaded from my mouth.  Suddenly I stopped in mid sentence and I said “look” and pointed.  There was a sparrow – it hopped from the sooty sidewalk and landed on a bent piece of wire, where it sat and looked at us. 

We stood there just taking in the beauty of the sparrow.  It was so delicate and perfect, different shades of brown patterned its head and its wings: chocolate, espresso, caramel and cream.   It was beautiful! 

In a state of presence, I noticed that I was experiencing intense grief and joy, both at the same time, and it was a verification, that holding these two states, a state of grief and a state of joy, at the same time takes you to a level of expanded awareness – like quantum growth. 

Ever since, no matter where I am and what I am experiencing, I look for the beauty, I look for the joy… God is everywhere, in a bird, in a a drop of water!


I Am So Glad

Start seeing everything as God,
But keep it a secret.

Become like a man who is Awestruck
And Nourished

Listening to a Golden Nightingale
Sing in a beautiful foreign language
While God invisibly nests
Upon its tongue.

Who can you tell in this world
That when a dog runs up to you
Wagging its ecstatic tail,
 You lean down and whisper in its ear,

I am so glad You are happy to see me.

I am so glad
So very glad You have come.”

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