Sunday, September 25, 2011

Accepting the Gifts...

If I have observed correctly, my own work has given me a
new task; one that needs much more endurance and strength,
and because it is higher it seems easier to fall. Although often
it feels as if I want to give up, I keep making efforts to stay
focused and to remember the aim of our work.  What is it really
that we are searching for? Is it Love? But what  is true love?
The state that requires no efforts or questions?

The Gods have been good to me, for they have kept guardians
close to my side, and every time when my feet are standing on
the edge, They send me a helping hand that reaches out and saves
my foolish 

Those hands are yours my dearest Friends! So many of you, so
many times, so grand is the love you have given me. So, I thank
everyone of you. Your names and faces I keep in my palm when
I put my hands together for a prayer of praise. And in this moment
I realize that accepting the gifts of love is by far more challenging
than giving it.


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