Monday, April 2, 2012

The Mona Lisa

A Moment with the Mona Lisa...

A peaceful and rainy evening was the perfect opportunity for a
special visit.  I entered into a magnificent Palace filled with joy
and I walked along corridors and stairs looking for Her... a
mysterious lady, who has captivated humanity for the last centuries.
I walked into a great hall and at the center, there she was...
surrounded by fine art and a group of people constantly talking
and taking pictures.  I got close enough to admire her eyes, silent
and still, I perceived like a choir of different voices moving around us
and at the same time I knew we shared a beautiful secret and
understanding. I found her!

Her expression was so clear... and I heard a voice inside me
"I recognize that smile" gentle and discreet, I recognize the taste of
this state, simple and mighty. Looking carefully at her I realized...
blessed inner Harmony and Serenity, a warm dwelling of Presence.
This extraordinary presence IS the disclosed door to Higher worlds.

It is such a blessing to get "here", but now I know the Way is just
starting...., to live and explore a new kingdom, ascend the mountain
and share a higher gift... the experience of divine Love.

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