Friday, July 8, 2016

I Love the Image of a Smile...


I love the image of a smile being transformational ...
Something seemingly so slight, 
and yet it can transform the moment for others, 
even wipe away our own sadness. 
A choice of something beautiful can rearrange all our I's ... 
stilling the incessant voices. 
Also in self-remembering, 
as we bring in a constant awareness of the higher, 
we can transform the most mundane moment 
into one of joy and deeper realizations.
It takes just a moment to transform everything, 
a pause in our talking, 
a looking more deeply into someone's eyes. 
 The state we are seeking is there all along ...
we just have to make space for it to manifest.


1 comment:

  1. This is especially poignant and beautiful. Thank you.
