Monday, September 11, 2017

In the Beautiful Act...

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

 In the beautiful act of having this faith in oneself 
there is an inherent acquiescence 
to a "higher Right" or a higher truth ... 
perhaps a more divine perspective. 
I remember a time when I had lost the ability to do this, 
to submit to the higher, 
to trust and believe 
that I would be held gently in the hands of grace. 
It was a dark time, and yet, as Rodney Collin says, 
faith holds a thread for us, once we have known it, 
and it is this thread which will finally guide us home. 
In the darkness, 
I couldn't feel a connection to any sense of faith, 
but even then, 
I knew the pain of its absence was a guarantee that it existed. 
And so I kept looking, 
and through the difficult journey 
I begin to see bits of light, 
and finally some guiding hands appeared, 
and with them the keys to open my eyes. 
And through this difficult journey 
I finally arrived here with you all, 
and I know that grace had given me my home at last.
This feeling of trust and certainty 
has not left me again, and were it to do so, 
I now have the gift of understanding to help guide me back.

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