Monday, October 14, 2019

I Had A Dream...

I had a dream a long time ago 
and in the dream Jesus got down off the cross, 
he refused his destiny. 
He got down and sat at the bottom of the cross.
I think we are like that when we resist 
and refuse to accept things as they are 
and these are the two choices - 
to sit there and suffer 
or make the effort to find ways to raise the hydrogens, 
get out of self pity and transform whatever is holding us back. 
Of course its not easy, 
it could take a lifetime. 
But little by little 
we can become Ecce Homo 
and accept everything and then this rush of energy
can transport us to a place of higher states and endless love.

1 comment:

  1. When we refuse to accept things as they are, it is because the will our our machine (ego) believes it knows what is better for us than the divine will of God. Self-remembering is the key to acceptance. It is also the key that opens the will of God into your life and directs you to fulfill your spiritual birthright, your awakening in human form.
