Monday, October 14, 2024

So Grow Where We Are Planted ...


So grow where we are planted 
and Love what is here and now 
with us in this moment are wonderful aspirations. 
I take meetings 
as a place to be purely present without interruption, 
a place to practice being present 
and remember you all that are with me - 
our little caravan to the stars. 
Each of us in the universe in our present 'now'. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Inner Peace


Inner peace can be reached 
only when we practice forgiveness.
Forgiveness is letting go of the past, 
and is therefore the means
for correcting our misperceptions.
~Gerald Jampolsky

Monday, October 7, 2024

I Have A Great Fondness...

Vincent Van Gogh

I have a great fondness for Van Gogh. 

Recently I learned some new information 

about him from a movie, 

“Eternity’s Gate” I think, 

with William Defoe, playing him. 

There was a scene where Vincent 

climbed up some very craggy 

and difficult rocky landscape 

(a proper Hike!!!) with all his painting gear. 

And then he saw the entirety 

of the landscape about him from up high, 

and painted it, like a map, 

the fields the houses all the borders between. 

It reminded me of Growth in being 

and how as we take in pain, 

suffering impressions life itself. 

We must give back and look to a broader view. 

Like lightening, 

the intense energy entering the container of the body, 

it has to be grounded, interpreted. 

And I love his effort in doing that.


Friday, October 4, 2024

I Had Two Very High States...


Vincent Van Gogh

I had two very high states with Van Gogh - 
one in LA at LACMA at a very robust exhibit 
and one in Amsterdam at the Van Gogh museum. 
What struck me most 
was the *light* in his paintings. 
The light pierced me. 
Lifted me. 
Hydrogrens living on the canvas lifted my inner world. 
Art is such an incredible medium 
for transforming emotion and experience. 
Making beauty and pain digestible.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

As The New Year...


As the New Year is about to begin 
we need to cry out, 
to show that we are alive, 
moving, aspiring, and growing. 
On this day of renewal and reset, 
we are moving from the death of the old 
to the birth of the new, 
and thus we give a loud cry, 
like a newborn babe. 
~Rav Pinson 

Monday, September 30, 2024

We Often Judge...



We often judge types similar to ourselves, 
as their weaknesses reflect back on us. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

You Will Never...

You will never do anything in this world 
without courage. 
It is the greatest quality of the mind 
next to honor.