Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Light of the World….

The Light of the World

Lately, I have been asking myself in moments of great inner silence, what is The Light…. Like that, with capital letters…. I know it is not the light my body’s eyes can perceive, yet that kind of light has a close enough resemblance to share the same name…..

Since it has nothing to do with the physical sight, it probably has something to do with the sense, the meaning….. it is something one understands…. an understanding:  a Real ‘I’.

Blind people cannot see, and yet they compensate this, by sharpening other senses: the sense of hearing, the sense of smell, the sense of touch…. What does this tell me? What do I need to sharpen if I want to be able to “see”, to know The Light?

I have verified more than once, that forgiveness is an unavoidable prerequisite …. as soon as there is some kind of negativity in me, the slightest friction with someone, or a judgment ‘i’….. darkness begins to cloud my inner world, I lose the Hydrogens that have been so hardly earned, and accumulated, my state plunges, and everything is downhill from that point on….. I am again in the body…. I become the body, I am identified with it…. of course my machine wants me to believe that a liiiiiittle friction is irrelevant:  ‘it doesn’t matter’, but at this point the game is about to be over…. and the stakes are very high, so I better not buy that….. it certainly matters!

As soon as I realize what has happened, (if and when, I do so), I try everything in my power to get rid of that negativity…. When I contemplate the fact that all minds are connected…. Any negative ‘i’ that I have towards anyone, is affecting them…. It is a toxin I am sending out, even if the bodies cannot perceive it….. it is a toxin I am tolerating inside me, and it has effects in both of us….. there are no ‘idle’thoughts…. nor ‘private’thoughts….. all thoughts have effects. One has to let go of any negative element, as fast as possible, so the negativity does not grow, because then it is much harder to let it go…..  my machine is a very clever animal that keeps trying to set new baits for me, to see if I swallow them, hook and all….. only with Higher Help and a lot of prayer, am I able to see myself honestly, and act quickly…. When I have not done that in the past, I have paid a very high price……. And lived to regret it!

Still pondering in the nature of The Light…..  suddenly during the  meeting we had after the students that attended the retreat came back, I had a glimpse of what that Light is:

Three of them were sharing their impressions and I kept feeling the energy in the group growing more and more… all of a sudden while one student was eliminating how she perceived a certain exercise, a moment came when I could no longer hear what she was saying… I could only see her mouth moving…. no sound….. a great silence made itself present inside me…. and in that silence, inside my head, I heard: “The Light of the World”…… I repeated this very slowly to myself…. The Light of the World…… The Light of the World…… I felt a huge pressure inside me…. something growing and growing….. a humming in my ears grew in intensity…… my eyes fell upon Keith, who was sitting across the table in front of me….. I love him so much!..... I felt that love become more and more intense inside me and I realized we are lamps!.... we are all lamps!.. sacred oil lamps!.. yes, like Alladin’s lamp… and sometimes we are Alladin for someone….. you know, because of the friction….

And some other times we are their oil, what they need to keep the flame alive….. to keep shining…
and Mervyn was, and still is our fire, our flame: only a flame can ignite another flame, only a Soul can rekindle a Soul…..

and so we all are The Light of the World….

With deep love and appreciation for each one of you……..LdG

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