Friday, December 30, 2011

A Dialogue on Desire

 A Dialogue on Desire...

C: I would like to ask about encouraging others and fostering desire when we feel very emotional about something in the Work, and the Work is trying to pass this on from a feeling or desire into something more valuable for everyone or one person in particular.

J: I'm trying to learn to listen more, to hear people better, to not always be on my own agenda ...then words (or poems) jump into my head, clearly from somewhere much higher than normal ...I feel I encourage better from than place.

V: I have became very emotional recently, sitting down intentionally every day and making space for the higher to enter. A feeling about how to encourage desire in others has emerged. I read and re-read this quote from Marcus Aurelius many times: "Stop talking about what it is to be a good man. Be one." And I realized, if I can Be...if I can practice and become that very thing that I wish to encourage in others then few words are necessary...

C: Saint Theresa speaks of the soul being "en kindled." I love this image, like a flame setting alight...Sometimes the intellect en kindles/lights but everything becomes much more rapid with trust and the emotional center opens and when love arrives nothing can stop the en kindling.

S: One of the things I have verified is that a kind of purification must take place before the opening of the higher emotions going deeper into myself seeing the real boundaries I have built to protect myself but also to hinder myself from loving, seeing my fear and being ready to let go of it, trusting. The beginning of real 'faith'.

C: Also, to be true to ourselves, our essence...if we are intellectual we can share more in that way. I am emotional; it is natural for me to hug and be affectionate but we can use a little of each center too for balance.

V: Once the machine becomes the servant of the Soul then it might become more clear about what attributes we can share with the most effectiveness and Love.


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