Friday, May 25, 2018

I Was In A Church...

I was in a church this morning 
listening to the parable of the Wedding of Cana 
where Jesus turns the water to wine. 
From an esoteric point of view there were 3 elements in the main story: 
stone, water and wine. 
The wedding ran out of wine (understanding). 
The mother of Jesus tells him this. 
He asks her what is it to do with him that his hour has not yet come. 
But yet we know the parable is that he turns the water (knowledge) 
in the great stone vases (earth) to wine. 
Returning to the idea of the higher consciousness 
available to us I had the thought 
that it could be taken as the people 
having run out of understanding 
had to turn to a conscious source to receive understanding 
to continue on their path. 
So we have sources we can turn to 
when our understanding runs dry 
and/or our knowledge needs to be recharged 
so we can continue to move towards higher understandings 
and expansion and growth of our inner true self 
which in turn can be shared into the world 
with positive irradiations and emanations.

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