Saturday, August 11, 2012


"Forsake spiritual lethargy and melancholia.."

~Paramahansa Yoganada

The evenings, soon before going to bed, are often difficult for me.  The machine (mind/body) likes to do a reassessment of the day, which can turn into a series of self-critical and frankly negative I's...The machine likes to beat itself up and put itself down, which allows it to fall into a state of melancholia.  It is in that state that I will sometimes fall asleep for the night.  Knowing this presents an opportunity to change the triad and introduce higher energy into the moment when this begins to occur.  

I would be a liar if I said that sometimes "I" don't feel like making efforts. That is a dangerous admission because it sounds like an excuse....and truthfully, those thoughts don't last long. But the machine is very clever and can persuade one to do or not do whatever it wants. I think it serves to me as a reminder of how delicate this Work can be..and how, with a whisper, can disappear.  Additionally, it reminds me that I need to be honest with myself and remember my aim, because the time is now and life is passing.  It's funny how easily and often one can put off that which one claims to be the most important part of their life.  There simply is no time for this.

"Forsake spiritual lethargy and melancholia.."


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