Wednesday, August 8, 2012



Mervyn Brady talked a lot about the “A” and the “Y”.
He used the letter A to demonstrate the progression of a romantic relationship between two people, whether they be two males, two females or a female and a male. For ease of explanation, I will choose two neutral names, Chris and Shawn.
At the beginning of the relationship, we can imagine Chris at the bottom of the A on the left hand side, and Shawn on the bottom of the A on the right hand side. They are attracted to each other, and gradually they move upward on their respective “legs” of the A.  As they continue to upwards, they get closer and closer to each other, emotionally and in every other way, just as the two legs of the A approach each other.
At some point in this progression, a “third force” enters the relationship. We may call this third force a Higher Power, the Divine, or another name. This event, this entering of a third force into the relationship between Chris and Shawn, is symbolized by the cross stroke of the A, which is about half way up the letter. Mervyn told us that this means that there is now a completed triangle (the upper part of the A) comprising Chris, Shawn and God. God has entered the relationship and has taken a relationship that consists of the attraction between two machines, and has transformed it into a relationship of Divine Love.
Now Chris and Shawn are free to move higher and higher up the A, and they acknowledge that they have been given the gift of Love. They realize that it is not something they have created themselves. They have been given it by the Gods.
Chris and Shawn move higher and higher on the A and eventually, with God’s help, they reach the apex of the A and here they can experience Divine Love, where their souls merge with each other, and with the Divine.  
Mervyn used the letter Y to demonstrate how sex energy can be food for the soul.
Imagine a giant letter Y painted on the front of your body. The upright part of the Y comes up the middle of your belly and the “split” of the Y is at about the area of your solar plexus. Then the left “arm” of the Y goes toward your heart, and the right arm of the Y goes in the direction of your right shoulder. Mervyn said that the left side is the side of the soul, and the right side is the side of the machine.
Mervyn said that when the sex energy proceeds upwards, it reaches the split, and then automatically goes to the right, the side of the machine. There it is dissipated in the form of an orgasm, i.e. the machine eats the sex energy.
Mervyn explained that at the area of the split, there is a valve, like a water valve. The lever for this valve is always turned toward the right, so the energy always goes to the right. However, he also said that a person is able to consciously turn the lever of the valve, so that the energy goes to the soul (for at least some of the time).
In other words, if you are hugging someone you are attracted to, and the energy begins to rise, you can consciously direct that energy to the left side, i.e. to your soul. If you do this, the sex energy will be food for the soul; in fact, probably one of the best foods there is for the soul. 


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