Sunday, June 30, 2013

In the Stillness

Frederic Leighton

We have to let go of wanting to control everything and instead allow space and time to Be 'around' us, all cords replaced with bonds of Light.
Only in the stillness of the I's we hear the inner voice. The answer to that question that we lived for so long, arrives like a lightening; in no space and no time, something sacred enters and in less than a moment clarity presents itself with majesty.



Saturday, June 29, 2013

Smelling the Roses by Mervyn J. Brady

Smelling the Roses, Memoir of an Irish Philosopher by Mervyn Brady is now available.

Smelling the Roses: Memoir of an Irish Philosopher
, is the story of Mervyn Brady, a spiritual teacher's childhood journey, told in his own humorous and eloquent words, with insightful commentary by those who loved him.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Around the Table

El Greco

As we sit together around the table these nights, with help from above, we integrate with the ascending hierarchy and become part of the Divine Body. Then, like the Apostles, we go out into the world. Now... "the Holy Spirit dwells among men".

Thursday, June 27, 2013


John Melhuish Strudwick

In music we are always reminded that it is our scales, our basic tone production, our underlying technique, our understanding of the phrase ... these things will always be what we need to go to to refresh ourselves. In our Work, it seems to me that all difficulties spring from something simple:
A forgetting to be compassionate, a lack of presence, a failure to reach out to the divine in the present moment.

It seems all to easy to get everything so very complicated. And then we get a cry for help from a family member, and we are REMINDED to reduce everything to it's essence -- to BE there in the present moment and to love ... So that it's not so much what we do, but more who we are.

The Heart and Mind

Leonardo Da Vinci

The heart and mind have to learn how to cooperate together, I feel almost they have to learn how to lie down together, the same as the lion and the lamb! To live in the Heart is for me to find the right pace in life and to be able to slow down and in the silence and stillness hear the voice of the heart!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Arthur Rackham

How persistant in it's creation of doubt is the machine? I have verified over and over that even on my best days...there is the little "I" back there lurking like a troll...being critical...over opposite angles.... the mind..the I's can be so loud at times.


The Voice

Bernardino Lanino

The "Flight into Egypt" means that the Holy Family had to escape from where they were, to a new beginning. We cannot awaken if everything stays the same. We have to make a flight from Negativity, Imagination and the Past to be born into a different World than the old one. Each person who awoke went through a life changing process. One day I will list these qualities, but one is that the person suddenly has access to a different perspective. They lose the fear of death and they start to produce and create a life that was completely different than the former.

It is as if they were reborn.

Then they become a "Voice in the Wilderness."

Monday, June 24, 2013

On working with the past


Rodney Collin said there are two things you can do:  First, bring that person or situation back to your memory, as if it has happened yesterday, make it fresh. Second, accept whatever responsibility you have in the event. Then, with all of your possible honesty, ask for forgiveness. And then forgive the other person.    

These steps, Jean says, form a very intimate and personal process that must be done in first line of work: alone and in silence.
This reflection implies great honesty with oneself.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

"The lamp at the door"

Valentine Cameron Prinsep

In India this is sometimes expressed as “the lamp at the door”:  your soul is poised, as if on a threshold between the everyday events that occur in time and the background of the unchanging, infinite absolute.
The reason this is important is that if you can live from the level of your soul, the part of you that self-remembers, you are doing something very special. It doesn’t really matter what actions you take.
The important thing is how much Presence you add to the whole of human existence, for that is how the Higher world, the world of C Influence, expresses itself, like a lamp shining in through the window of eternity.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Each Effort...

Remedios Varo

Every thing that is done, completes each cycle of understanding that liberates us.

Each effort, tear and laughter, culminate by passing through the second interval and serve as a preparation for the next cycle. Just like the first interval may be passed with the help of a conscious shock. To continue through the second interval, Love will be the guide.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Newly Born


Everything newly born still has the amazing miraculous power
 of having just arrived...from beyond this world. 

It still has the fragrance of godliness
and the shining glow of the unnameable on it...
for us to see… and re-member.



Anselm Feuerbach

I remember a meeting in LA years ago when less than half of the students were in attendance. A student commented to Mervyn that they felt this to be disrespectful as he (Mervyn) had travelled very far to come to them...That the school lacked discipline, and that students did not seem to value Mervyn or the School.
Mervyn said that sure, he could demand that students come to all meetings, be on time etc... and that the students would eventually fall in line. But he also wondered then what part was he strengthening? The making it fall in line...or the Inner World?


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Love Enters

John William Waterhouse

Love enters with deep peace, connection comes.
 I feel connected to all beings.
When I experience these moments in a meeting
when there is a presence of Influence C,
 I feel that my soul
does a dance with other souls.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

...every hour of the light and dark...

Valentine Cameron Prinsep

To me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle,
Every cubic inch of space is a miracle,
Every square yard of the surface of the earth is spread with the same,
Every foot of the interior swarms with the same;
Every spear of grass—the frames, limbs, organs, of men and women, and all that
All these to me are unspeakably perfect miracles.

~Walt Whitman

Sunday, June 16, 2013

"The world of forms"

Valentine Cameron Prinsep

I find myself constantly returning to Plato. He spoke of "the world
of forms" and deemed all things of the world to be lifeless copies of
some divine original.

Even man has fallen prey to this Platonic law--lifeless forms
of some divine original (God made us in his own image, right?).
So, the question is this: 
Am I this lifeless form, or the life force behind it?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Teachings and the Teachers

William Holman Hunt

The teachings and the teachers come to us in very mysterious ways we may never understand.  Mystics do tend to be strangers and leave us wondering what on earth they meant by the ways in which they acted and the things they said.  The Creator speaks through everyone and everything.  We need to develop our senses so that we can see the light and handle it when it shines.  So that we can hear the still small voice and handle it when it speaks or is spoken.  So that we can feel the rays of love and handle them when they are emanated. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sudden Peace

Eleanor F. Brickdale

I experienced a sudden peace beyond imagination, and a sense of childlike wonder about my own impending death.  In that moment, as the shock allowed my soul to completely separate from my body, I was given a first glimpse of the immense beauty of this passage, and I realized that the buffers I had about my own demise had been removed forever.  

About the Work

Jacopo Tintoretto

When one thinks of some of our great teachers and their students as Socrates and Plato, or Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, or Jesus and his disciples and the time that these people/students had with their teacher …. Reverence comes to mind, intentionality out of respect and love, and a constant philosophizing either verbally or in the divine silence of self remembering.  In other words it was about the work.  Jesus said, "I am about my father's work."  And his disciples knew that and respected it.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Jan Bruegel

We do not have to pursue hydrogen 12.
We have to develop the ability to process it, instead of lower hydrogens which are easier for the machine to process.

I teach students to monitor and check their hydrogens. The machine wants to burn 96 and the Soul 12.

It is easier for the machine to produce 96 but with a little effort, we can make it produce 12.  Then, the body starts to love this energy - the instinctive centre learns and can see it runs better and life is more beautiful.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Projection

Edward Burne Jones

...even in spite of the distance, the projection that the soul exerts can help to transform others, help them with their processes and their own evolution as well as with the understanding of the light and harmony in such a way that they can also become sparkles of light for others around them there...
...what a beautiful opportunity we all have to keep projecting and helping all those around us to enter the sacred space where faith, hope and love are transmitted...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Once Again

Claude Monet

The colors of the cathedral's windows
are proven to be undiminished by their long,
solitary struggle with darkness
when the morning comes, once again,
to spill through them.

This happens after every night.

Every night this darkness spreads itself, lavishly,
between the gazed-at stars,
so that we must endure these distances
just as we would an arduous task performed
   to please a loved one.

The secrets...


The secrets of immortality are preserved in the vaults of eternity,
the key to which the burden of proof is Being.
We never have to shoulder the
responsibility until or unless we are ready.


Sunday, June 9, 2013



There is a hole in my heart, life can pour in there,
I do not let it stop,
I cannot question this love, it is just becoming the cup,
I want to hold.
All in this life can come to me,
some things are like walls that create big shadows,
If I stay patient I creep around the corner
 and find my Garden again.
It has all the honey and flowers I need.
God is busting through each crevice in the brickwork,
the light is always somewhere.
The shadow is not real.
I am meeting again and again the light in your eyes,
the smile etched by an artist
with the knowledge that you are there.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Monster & Miracle

William Blake

I verify that through all these years of searching for different disciplines, and emphasized more with the Work in our school, I can sit and be open to the blessing of having a moment of presence or a moment of Love, this allows me when I attempt to open a little more my heart and release these accumulated aches. Literally feels like J says: "Untie the knots."

Every time I try, it looks very threatening, "the monster of pain, bitterness and suffering" appears.  But when I persist, it frees that part of me that was identified. Then I can experience and live in my being the miracle of regeneration.

Is it not strange...

 Simon Vouet

Is it not strange that the creature we call “Corpse” whom we fear so much, lives inside us now and we do not fear it?
However when we need fear it least i.e. when our soul has finally escaped its clutches we shudder in fear of it and what it represents.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Heart

Benjamin West

My heart has become a shining Ark, floating inside my chest... 
inside it everything: 
the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: 
love and thorns, heaven and hell,
man and woman, lion and unicorn,
everything and nothing at the same time.  
No struggle, no taking sides...


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Vessel


There has to be a receptacle, a vessel for the expression of new concepts, a new understanding. A lot of people are seeking and asking to be shown the way. The true Work has all the answers.
It is not easy but we have to open the way and do it soon.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Evelyn De Morgan

I have not come to change, impose, correct or begin,
I have come to guide those who are lost,
and to provide water to those who thirst
and to him who seeks, we will help him find.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Silently and Invisibly


This school is thousands of years old.  God does not speak to people, to machines...a relationship with God takes work, knowledge, and luck.  We have a relationship with God and the deities below him, thanks to our souls.  There is a structure.  Laws that made creation, the universe...also made us.  The laws come in one set, one form.  The rules work everywhere.  You won't hear God most of the time...he enters silently and invisibly.

Remember Him in your life, in everything that you do.  All this does not depend on you, the creature.  The soul has to learn about life through the teachings. 

~Mervyn J. Brady

Travel Together

Gustave Doré

Let us travel together through
the magnificent vastness of the Universe...
Let our Souls fly free to the stars...

From the stars we came, and to them we will return...