Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I've Been Blessed...

William Blake

I've been blessed to help be a "midwife" 
to a few Souls as they've transitioned 
from one realm to the next in the past few years. 
If we can hold a state of loving presence, 
without fear, 
we are able to give a joyful service 
to our loved ones 
entering the next realm.

Monday, October 28, 2019

By Searching...

By searching for the Miraculous, 
I've discovered wonderful secrets. 
Joy is always possible, 
even in the heaviest of situations. 
Through presence, 
divided attention and the grace of the Divine. 
Joy takes me to World 24 and higher.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Art of Happiness...

“The art of happiness is also the art of suffering well. 
When we learn to acknowledge, 
embrace, and understand our suffering, 
we suffer much less. 
Not only that, 
but we’re also able to go further 
and transform our suffering into understanding, 
and joy for ourselves and for others.” 
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Living in a Spanish Speaking Country ...

Milton Avery

Living in a Spanish speaking country 
there is a lovely custom 
that instead of saying thank you, 
muchas gracias is spoken, 
wishing the other person much grace. 
And whether or not one is religious 
we require the blessing of grace - 
the gift of the state where we look, 
feel, taste, smell, touch through our body 
and experience the universe as a precious gift, 
without judging ourselves or anyone else.

Monday, October 21, 2019

All Things...

Henry Ossawa Tanner

All things in the world come from being. 
And being comes from non-being.
~Lao Tzu

Saturday, October 19, 2019

It Is Love...

It is love that is the energy we feel 
that circulates through our 2nd body - 
our evolving inner world, isn't it? 
We don't call it "love" very much or I don't, 
because "love" is so confusing. 
But like blood circulates in our body. 
And breath moves through us 
we can connect with our breath. 
And when I am very quiet 
I feel this breath as love in a very tangible way. 
Love is what moves through us. 
When I ask for help, for grace, 
for strength for forgiveness – 
I’m asking for love. 
But not wanting to call it this.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

If Love Is A State...

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

If Love is a state, and the greatest of all laws - 
What if when we remember ourselves, 
we ask for the Grace of the Divine 
to also gift us with a state of Love? 
Love not only for our own precious existence in this moment, 
but Love for all of Humanity? 
All Life? 
All Creation?

Monday, October 14, 2019

I Had A Dream...

I had a dream a long time ago 
and in the dream Jesus got down off the cross, 
he refused his destiny. 
He got down and sat at the bottom of the cross.
I think we are like that when we resist 
and refuse to accept things as they are 
and these are the two choices - 
to sit there and suffer 
or make the effort to find ways to raise the hydrogens, 
get out of self pity and transform whatever is holding us back. 
Of course its not easy, 
it could take a lifetime. 
But little by little 
we can become Ecce Homo 
and accept everything and then this rush of energy
can transport us to a place of higher states and endless love.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Mary's Greatness ...

Mary's greatness consists in the fact 
that she wanted to magnify GOD, 
not herself.
~Pope Benedict XVI

Monday, October 7, 2019

I Think Human Nature ...

I think human nature aspires to love. 
It’s in some of the great fairytales - 
how the human has to reach above and beyond 
the human concept of 'love' to find true love. 
True love is flowing out from the interior world into the exterior world. 
It asks for nothing, 
it gives all of itself. 
It is a circle of perpetual conscious love 
that sometimes we are able to access 
when we are in a higher state.