Monday, March 30, 2020

Part Of Our Work...

Part of our work is to balance the mechanical centers 
and consciously work 
from the appropriate one 
in presence according to circumstances. 
Often the resistance can come in 
because we are working from the wrong center. 
If we consciously stop and ask ourselves 
what center is the machine operating from 
and is it the best for the moment in hand, 
we can learn much 
and lose a lot less of the energy that we need to stay present. 

Friday, March 27, 2020


Self-remembering is the beginning and end of all religion,
the goal of all philosophy, the cure of all psychology,
the universal equalizer of theories of everything,
the origin of joy and immortality,
the source of all true art, poetry, music and paradox,
the only spiritual act in the universe.

It is what monks practice as devotion,
what ascetics practice as sacrifice, yogis as concentration,
Sufis and saints as internal prayer,
what artists sense when they transcend their technique and create.

It is the philosophers' stone, the Holy Grail,
the Golden Fleece, Aladdin's lamp,
the fountain of youth, the pearl of great price,
the buried treasure of all myth and fable, the Golden Mean.

Self-remembering is the deliverance promised in every religion -
Moksha, Nirvana, the Kingdom of Heaven, Dadirri -
the sound of deep calling to deep.

It is religion purged of sentiment,
philosophy purged of language,
Being simplified,
Simplicity charged with meaning.

It is the same spiritual act everywhere,
the liberation of attention into the living moment.
It is renunciation, surrender, the breaking of the spell,
the erasure of vital boundaries, over and over, forever.

It is the sword that cuts the Gordian Knot,
the knife that cuts through everything to the meaning of existence.
It is the noble simplicity and calm grandeur of the great art of the ages.

It is a cure for gravity, a pure listening,
the perpetual motion of silence, the mystery of Self, -
a spinning paradox like a binary star, present at the speed of light -
the one true north, always everywhere, the realm of the finally real.

It is the only quest in the universe - To Be or not to Be.

Self-remembering is the unqualified relationship to just this,
just now, one long poem of resence, the pure art of perfect attention.

It is a radical disentanglement, a bloodless coup of Being,
the discipline of freedom, the freedom of discipline.

It is the separation of the real and the false,
the lifting of self out of the current of dreams, 
being free to see.
It is a looking and listening of serene urgency,
the attempt to penetrate the present,
absorb its contents, 
and wait with trust for it to reveal the final mystery
It is consciousness loving you into existence.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Painting By Botticelli...

The painting by Botticelli that is posted is lovely. 
It harkens to a period in the Italian Renaissance 
that called for art with "grazia" a sense of grace. 
And this to me has to do with stillness. 
Not a 'forcing" of things, 
not imposing oneself on a situation, etc. 
There's a lyrical sweetness if you will, 
a quietness that is powerful.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Sometimes, By Letting Go' ...

“Sometimes, by 'letting go' 
we allow some 'grace' to enter by another channel, 
which all our mental efforts have hitherto kept out. 
Stillness is a quality of the heart. 
We must not expect to find it among the doubts of the mind— 
it is the mind which must make way for it.
~Rodney Collin

Friday, March 20, 2020

It Is So Easy...

It is so easy to be hypnotized 
by the motion of outer life, 
where it puts me to sleep, 
as if I am slipping into sleep. 
Very stealthy. 
YET, when I remember that the whole universe 
is really a "wake up call" to me, 
then there's the shift of allowing higher help to enter. 
EVERYTHING can be and is a guide, a help. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Perhaps The Most Difficult And Important Thing ...

"Perhaps the most difficult and important thing 
is to learn to wait. 
And when one asks oneself 
what one is waiting for, 
one begins to realize that it is for a moment of stillness, 
without attachment to the past or future. 
For in such a moment 
all kinds of exercises and perceptions 
become possible which are never available 
when one is hurrying 
into the future or out of the past".
~Rodney Collin

Friday, March 13, 2020

True Love...

“True love is no game of the faint-hearted and the weak. 
It is born of strength and understanding.” 
~Meher Baba

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

All Is Easier...

All is easier when love is present.

Monday, March 9, 2020

In The Present...

In the present, 
the Will develops new strength. 
Being gives more direction to the Moments that follow. 
In the present, 
my intentional imagination can break recurrence. 
Old patterns 
need not have so much weight for my machine. 
I break recurrence 
by first walking through the Divine Doorway 
that is the ever-unfolding Present Moment. 
That place where my Soul is King.

Friday, March 6, 2020

This Beautiful Painting ...

Evelyn DeMorgan

This beautiful painting 
by pre-Raphaelite painter Evelyn De Morgan 
represents Flora. 
Note the artist has tilted her head 
to give more light to the left side, 
also the area of the heart is lit up and clearer.
Despite being born of all the beauty creation can offer, 
and being of such an astounding beauty, 
when I look deeply I feel my soul drawn 
to the wisdom and depth of presence, 
the honesty and being Essence of presence, 
the simplicity of presence amidst all this color and beauty 
it is what is really born from the heart. 
It is so easy to forget how invisible it is, 
yet it is all the soul is - 
The purest Essence and distillation one can hope for 
through effort day by day moment by moment, 
to be who you really are.

Monday, March 2, 2020

We Must Never Forget ...

We must never forget 
that nothing that can happen 
or can be said can affect what we are. 
And it is from what we are 
that we can help others. 
Difficulties are a test of being. 
We have to show by example 
that inner certainty resolves all things.
~Rodney Collin