Monday, September 26, 2022

The Glory And The Agony...

The glory and the agony 
of being human rousing us
entreating us to wake up!
To know that we who have no power
can be filled with power.
When we wake up to our transparent nature,
divine forgiveness shines through us.
When we forget our names,
we become part of God's name.
When we learn to act and yield, act and yield,
we smash the contradiction of existence.

Friday, September 23, 2022

I Am Sitting Outside...


I am sitting outside 
enjoying the gentle nature of the morning 
and the flow of energy surrounding me. 
The birds' joyful songs. 
Are we like those birds 
in the flow of nature? 
Singing our unique song 
that we students in the school can hear.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Be Patient ...

George Seurat

“Be patient 
toward all that is unsolved in your heart 
and try to love the questions themselves, 
like locked rooms 
and like books that are now written
in a very foreign tongue. 
Do not now seek the answers, 
which cannot be given you 
because you would not be able to live them. 
And the point is, 
to live everything. 
Live the questions now. 
Perhaps you will then gradually, 
without noticing it, 
live along some distant day into the answer.” 
Rainer Maria Rilke

Monday, September 19, 2022

I Was In A Board Meeting ...


I was in a board meeting 
and kept thinking 
"be the soul in the room". 
While I was dividing my attention 
I felt I was being guided 
and had the I 
to see who else was the soul in the room 
and was looking to meet 
the others there on a soul level. 
This was a new experience for me 
outside of an Academy meeting. 
It wasn't just enough 
to be present at the moment 
but with the higher 
I was searching for others to be with. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

I Am Sitting Here...


Tiziano Vecellio, Titian

I am sitting here 
and smiling to myself 
as you all give me the reminder 
that denying force 
will show itself again and again. 
No matter how many ways 
you try to complete the octave 
and over how many years, 
you will meet the same denying force 
in different guises until you can identify it 
as being just so 
and find the right third force 
to overcome it. 
And the right third force, 
at least for me in my play right now, 
is to be present because in doing that, 
I am remembering who we serve. 
We become quiet, 
quiet enough to see 
and after that the doing 
can become easier.

Monday, September 12, 2022

I Have Recently ...


I have recently 
been practicing holding opposites. 
Grief and Beauty. 
Keeping an open heart 
to the intensity of both at the same time. 
It is such a beautiful practice 
because with an open heart 
there can be no boundaries. 
Pure freedom!

Friday, September 9, 2022

I Have Been Impressed ...

I have been impressed 
with the urgency of doing. 
Knowing is not enough; 
we must apply. 
Being willing is not enough; 
we must do.
Leonardo da Vinci

Monday, September 5, 2022

I Feel In Order To Be Free...


Ghulam Sakhi

I feel in order to be Free 
or to experience freedom, 
acceptance and allowance must be involved. 
Accept whatever situation is present 
and allow whatever emotions arise. 
Resisting nothing. 
Thy Will Be Done.

Friday, September 2, 2022

We Are So Fortunate...


I am so fortunate 
to walk this path 
with remarkable students.
Each one of you 
has touched my heart deeply 
in ways I can't describe in words.
We never know how long we will 
walk in each other's shadow 
but cherishing each precious moment together 
is my aim.
Happy Birthday Naz McSweeney.