Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When We Are Pure...

When We Are Pure...

When we are Pure, we are Love, 
we feel we are ready
to be God's guests, 
we want to enter and visit 
All the Chambers of God's Castle 
and we know that the dress we
need to wear in front of God, 
for the occasion, is a
dress of Light 
.... and the perfume 
.... the essence
.... Love.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Peace Beyond Our Understanding

 Peace Beyond Our Understanding

We all go through dark nights.
It is like being abandoned by the soul for a while. 
At times even presence is painful here. 
The soul returns with a peace beyond OUR understanding.
Then in offering a glance of love to another 
we recognize once again our true divinity,
also that we have been changed.
In times of darkness, 
try to discover your heart more and more.
It is the center of our universe 
stretch it to the limits,
offer it gladly.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

God Speaks to the Soul

And God said to the Soul....

And God said to the Soul:
I desired you before the world began
I desire you before now
As you desire me.
And where the desires of two come together
There love is perfected.
How the Soul speaks to god
Lord, you are my lover,
My longing,
My flowing stream,
My sun,
And I am your reflection.
How God answers the soul
It is my nature that makes me love you often
For I am love itself.
It is my nature that makes me love you intensely,
For I yearn to be loved from the heart.
It is my eternity that makes me love you long,
For I have no end.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

One Thing

One Thing is Clear...

One thing is clear. We must all go on. To new revelations, to new understanding, to new tasks, new responsibilities. I know that this going forward may often look strange and shocking at the time, but we must do it. We must be melted down and remade, over and over again. We must pray crystallization does not overtake us.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Greatest Desire

The Greatest Desire

Nothing belongs to you, except for your inner world.   
The only thing it can do is to desire.   
The greatest desire is to serve the gods.

~Mervyn Brady 

Mervyn's quote really touched me because it answers the age old question that so many people ask, "What is the meaning of life?  What is our purpose here?"  To fully embrace the answer, and live it to the  best of one's ability moment to moment is an honor in serving the gods.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

One Becomes Love...

When One Becomes Love..

When one becomes Love, one has to be protected by a School/Sangha,
or must be protected by other Souls; in the way the planets circle 
the sun in a harmonious movement while the sun continually radiates 
its Love. We cannot question this Love, we cannot judge this Love,
it is just Love and wants to emanate Love. How can the 
machine (mind/body) ask the Sun why does it shine?

Awakening Consciousness ~ Albuquereque, NM

Awakening Consciousness

What does it mean to Awaken your Soul?
What are the different states of consciousness?
How do we access the higher?

Please join us for an open discussion

Saturday, January 28, 2012 – 2PM

For Directions and Location near downtown Albuquerque:


Open Meeting ~ New York City

Open Meeting

The Academy of European Arts and Culture ~ New York City

  Invites You to an introductory meeting

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 ~ 7:00pm

This will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about what the Academy offers.

To RSVP and location in Mid Town Manhattan


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Note

A Note to Sing...

Each of us has a note to sing ... designed in perfection to come forth from the body in which we find ourselves in.  It is not to sing another's note ... nor to change our note ... nor to change the key ... yet to know, practice and refine the note we were given to sing ... so that we may harmonize together ... vibrating at the highest level ... so that as one ... the god's will may be done.  Love from the soul is the strand that binds us to each other ... and we each have the responsibility to honor the highest in each other and let the rest fall away.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Divine Cocktail...

A Divine Cocktail...

Step through this door.
There are a million doors 
waiting to be opened.
Which ones will you choose?
Doors leading a path to heaven or hell,
Love scorned or love begotten,
doors of anger, melancholy, bliss, indifference.
Step through THIS door.
Look in the eyes of another with your soul.
Your whole self.  Your whole being.
Feel the freshly washed floor beneath your feet.
Hug another being with your whole soul.
When you sit, feel the traces of those who have 
sat on that same couch before you.
Look out the windows to the night sky 
with the clear eyes of presence.
Step through this door.
Feel the internal clock melt.
Medicate your anger with a poem of love.
Release your tension by smelling 
a flower on the coffee table.
Nourish your body with this cocktail.
For sight, pure love.
For smell, a rose.
For taste, a beautiful plate of exotic foods.
For touch, the hug of another.
For hearing, this symphony of silent eternity.
Step through THIS door.


Monday, January 23, 2012

The Sacred Realm

The Sacred Realm...

Experiencing eternity in the moment,
in a silent prayer
I recognized my existence
and I felt like an instrument that plays
letting the harmony of the sound go through...
Remember to "allow" the sacred realm
of the Trinity penetrate you to be
deeply purified and
regenerated to let your soul soar.
Trust the invisible...

Grateful for receiving a rain of blessings,
 radiating back pure Love to the

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Will

I Will...

I will strive to be worthy of every moment.

I will strive for right action at all times.

I will strive to act with love towards all people and things.

I will strive for courage, honor, and integrity
with the greatest of humility.

I will do this through the grace of God.

This is possible through self-knowledge.

This is the will of the soul.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Infinite Love


A fly in a Sky where the light 

of all planets are reflecting God’s Love.
A dive in the Ocean where treasures 

are discovered in unknown parts.
A Fire of light circulating as infinite blood
From cell to molecule, from molecule to electron
An intense unknown vibration in each fiber

Chosen Travelers climbing for the highest
Unknown is the way, yet certain is the Light
Unknown are the obstacles and treasure they will find
Alive is the flame of the lighted Candle
Lighted is the way of Union with the Eternal

An Agony in the Ecstasy
A sweet pain in the immense Light
An uncontainable desire of constant union with the

A longing desire before
A peaceful state after

Travelers chosen for a voyage through unknown regions
Travelers chosen from the Gods to taste the divine
Travelers chosen to receive and to give back
Infinite Love
Infinite Light
In infinite space and time



Without love, all things are meaningless.
There is no act of any kind.
There is no object of any value.
No possession worth possessing.
No word, nor poem, nor song.

With love, all things are possible. Everything has meaning--purpose.
My accomplishments are not measured by how much, how many, how great...
I have but one thing to accomplish: To open my heart, myself, my life, my eyes.

It is from love that all things happen. All creation and all
destruction are thus born--like the snake eating it's tail. Only
through magic can something, or someone, supersede this law of nature.
Without magic, eventually the snake is consumed. Magic is the
regeneration of love. According to science, all energy obeys certain
laws. The notion I question here is that no energy source is
unlimited. Nothing can escape this according to their law. Science
is wrong. God has shown us. It is within ourselves that there is
unlimited energy. Like Icarus, we are not ready for this. When we
are...then the energy can be released. Fly before the right time and
we are undone by the fire.

Friday, January 20, 2012

If Love

If Love...

Love is to be a blessing
and not a misery,
 it must be used for
we never

~Mervyn Brady

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just Desire Me

 Just Desire Me....

Occasionally I would write things an show them to Mervyn. Sometimes he read what I gave him and simply nod. Other times, he made a funny remark or would say something like: “That’s nice."

One day I gave him a sheet of paper with the poem and he said, “May I answer this for you?”  Of course, I said yes! He asked for a pen and started writing and then he gave it back to me.  His words are in parenthesis:

Enticing You, my sweet Beloved,
is the longing of my soul.  (There is no need to entice,  just desire me)
At the gift of Your precious presence
Making me shiver with delight:
         I dare not move…
         I dare not speak…
         I almost dare not breathe…  (Be still and see “I am God.”)
Am I the lover You desire?
Am I the one You wish to touch?  (You are already mine – it is you who left)
Teach me how to delicately handle
all the blissful moments I am with You;  (Be still and wait)
for the more I try to hold You,
the more elusive You become,  (I cannot belong to you, only your Soul)
certain, in Your playful flirting,
of my everlasting crave for You. (When it is everlasting I am there and the crave vanishes)
Other lovers may be wary,
But that is clearly not my case;
for the flame You ignited in me
through your pranks and child-like baits,
has melted away caution
and burnt all my traits,   (Yet you blush, hide and be elusive)
making of my being,
an easy target for Your Aim.  (It must be a “willing” target)


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Divine Teaching

Divine Teaching...

The highest mode of divine teaching is
the incarnation of the spirit in human form.

The true soul does not rise and resurrect
any specific previous awakened teachers,
but resurrects ALL teachers and becomes them ALL.

The soul is above the particular merits of men.

It can bypass all differences in all ways
and all religions and can speak
to its contemporary souls.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The View

The View....

I've observed that in each stage of growth one's understanding or verifications deepen.  To return to Mervyn's words, one can begin to REALLY HEAR and feel them in a new way ... as they were meant.  One can begin to understand him and the Soul that moved through him more and more.  This works the same with reading or experiencing other conscious works.  What "i" may have understood two years ago ... now is much deeper and begins to become part of Being.  Or what I didn't understand at all ... now begins to reveal itself as "new" food.

A student recently reminded me that we can only see the level of being we are at (at any given moment) as well as level of being below ... yet one cannot fully see/hear/understand level of being that is higher.  This me led to the "i" that as our souls grow ... and we BE-come more real ... there are many new worlds for us to BE part of.  We become new ... and relearn, all that we've learned ... from a new view.  It is no longer theory and intellect ... it can pierce the emotional center where real understanding deepens.

As "O" said to me at the end of the meeting ...

"Until we climb up the mountain ... only then do we get the same view."


The Flow

The Flow...

The flow of Life keeps spreading inside me, pushing hard to explode into light throughout all that has been, is and will be.  I am suddenly aware of a very explicit truth:  I am not exactly choosing this new path, I am being led to it, as I have been led all my life. I have not done anything, but everything has been done through me and with me.


Saturday, January 14, 2012



Today I had a realization.  
Every time I visit the home of a good friend, 
I visit the home of God.
Because every time I'm in the presence of a friend,
I'm in the presence of God.

The Angels, The Lover and The Beloved

The Angels, The Lover and The Beloved

If you ask me what I see through my eyes, 
This is what I would say 

No matter who we are to each other in life 
Woman to man, woman to woman, man to man 
Friend, foe or lover 
At this point, outside the realm of time 
We sit here 
Open, placid and vulnerable 
Connecting at the crossroads of silence 
The stillness indicates our moment 
As we gaze into each other’s eyes 
The portal to higher worlds opens 
Allowing for the angels to enter 
The flow of breath remains the only sign left of mortal life 
As our souls join in a Eucharist of thanksgiving 
I am your lover, and you, my beloved 

The concept of familiar fades as the curtain lifts 
Brightness and shading alters 
Darkness turns to light 
Light to dark 
Perception of depth moves into another reality 
The invisible becomes visible, and likewise the same 

Like a welcomed guest, I enter your dwelling 
The veil is removed 
Remnants of other masks appear in succession 
Africa, Asia, North and South

The persona morphs, while your inner world remains the same 
One by one, you bear your soul with love 
White light emanates from your silhouette 
You sit there on a throne crowned in glory 
Void of banal thoughts, irreverent feelings, and senseless motion  
Your expression softens as you become an open conduit to the gods 
Ready to be filled with sweet nectar 
I am delighted by our union 

An incredible lightness of being lifts me upward 
The heart of each of my palms opens to greet the angels 
In gratitude of this heavenly gift 
Our wings unfold and we embrace one another
For I am your lover, and you, my beloved.

Friday, January 13, 2012

An Offering

 An Offering...

Please receive a humble
offering of my love for you. For it is you who teach
me humility and the opportunity to keep on pealing
away layers, reaching deeper within,
the breath of my

May this weekend be filled with divine presence. May
there be intentional use of your will, and may Love
pour out as we see the other in our own self,
radiating in an ever expanding golden light...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Take Away...

 "Take away your opinion, and then there 
is taken away the complaint..." 

~Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor

Over the years I have encountered many travelers from different traditions.  A recurring theme has been one of lineage, and more specifically, what was ours?

I remember asking Mervyn about this, and he gave me the "look." "See," he said, "This is the real lineage, the rest are "I's." Of course, Mervyn had his teachers and influences from which he drew upon;  but ultimately, it was his soul that was his guide. At the end of the day, it was to his "self" that he was true.

Learning and verifying the ideas and allowing ourselves to be pierced by the teachings of the different teachers is important.

But, to be identified with any one or any part of it, to me, at least, misses the point....

The delicacy of the excuse does not matter...You are either Present or not...

"Take away your opinion, and there is taken away your complaint..."

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Ralph Waldo Emerson

"None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote of Emerson keeps coming to me ...
In the stillness of thoughts we can connect with that special vibration in our heart and inner being ... Yes,  it is like a whisper, which is heard by us alone. We are asked to be present to those whispers of our hearts and recognize them when they come, exercising the ears of the heart as we stay still avoiding to create any other noise. When we will become experts in recognizing those whispers they will come to us more often ... as clear voices ... and we can be guided from them. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

William Blake


Last night at the meeting we read a few lines from William Blake selected poetry and one was "Jerusalem." A long time I ago I remember Mervyn giving angles with regard to self remembering and the soul and its journey especially on these verses below.  

It is beautiful and very powerful.  Blake lived in a time when in the North of England the people worked in terrible conditions in manufacturing mills (dark satanic mills).  No labor laws to speak of, starving, in poverty, very little time off work.  If one approached that area in those days one might have thought the instinctive was  taking  most of the energy of the people to just survive.  Still many people live in such extreme situations all over the world and in most countries.  Yet the desire to build "Jerusalem" within, regardless of circumstances goes on everywhere.

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my spear: O Clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England's green and pleasant land.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Precious Teachers

Precious Teachers...

The prayer below is the result of gratitude for all the help we receive
from teachers who have gone before. Many, perhaps most, of us have 
verified that there are conscious beings helping us from above (or rather within).

If that is the case then they are not somewhere "floating up in space"
sitting on a cloud vaguely aware of us, but they can reach us, touch us,
they know our hearts and minds. This prayer is a thanks and considers
the Third Force they give us and which they ARE...

Precious Teachers who are one with the light

you who are part of the fabric of love,

from the depths of our being

we thank you for your unending efforts

in helping us be present;

we empty ourselves so that you may enter

we listen attentively to your eloquent teachings,

given in silent presence.

Holy Third Force may we constantly remember

that you are always with us,

waiting for us to appear

so that you may complete us,

at each moment and in eternity.