Monday, January 2, 2012



"Sometimes it is very difficult to share the "I's" (thoughts) coming from the inner world. 

As one may have verified, the "I's" (thoughts) from the inner world are real "I's" and therefore one will notice through the inner world some type of realization.

The ingredients necessary to have those type of "I's" are first to be in a complete state of emptiness (no interference with the mechanics) where only one's gaze, hearing or sense of touch can truly experience one's surroundings.  (These are the only three senses that I, my soul, has experienced so far.)  The other ingredient is when the true emotional center kicks in and "invites" Love to enter.  At that point the combination of these ingredients produces what one calls an "experience" which offers the person a sense of complete understanding of what IS at that particular moment in time.

Why is it difficult to share those "I's" (thoughts)?  At our level we have little access to this world of the inner world.  To share real "I's" can be difficult for others to comprehend due to the fact that they are YOUR own experience(s) and it is possible that they would not make sense for someone else.  However, this is why the Gods have invented poets and the different art forms in order to translate these realizations.

On the other hand, when you have access to these real "I's" from the inner world, one may realize that they are not new at all ... only we just have forgotten them.

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