Sunday, January 1, 2012

You Are Blessed

You Are Blessed....

It is three in the morning and I am sitting alone here in London. We had a meeting earlier at the Charing Cross Hotel. It was raining in London and some of us ended in Burger King waiting for our various trains.

We talked about the mystery of self remembering and what it really is? I have observed at different times some students still think it is solely due to ones own efforts. While, from one angle, Mr. Ouspensky is right in saying that results are a result of efforts, it is also by the grace of the Gods, and I would strongly advise any student against thinking that it was their efforts alone that induced self remembering.

A machine cannot remember itself. At best it can have a connection to the outside world through the lower centers and an instinctive awareness of its surroundings. The act of self remembering is when something "Other" than the machine kicks in or connects.

How can that happen?

I put it to you that when you are not present and suddenly that familiar connection occurs, that it is something outside the machine that "arrives." At this point you can make a right effort and try to prevail and sustain the state for a little while longer.

This is after all what you are studying at the Academy; "The Art of sustaining the Will of God." You begin by trying to do "Thy Will on earth moment by moment." Each moment you are present on earth so is C Influence (God).

People often ask me "Why are we here?"... As if there was just one answer for everybody? For a student in a Conscious School, the answer has to be "To Be."

Though to "Be" what?

Yourself.... i.e., your machine working properly, in essence, and not in imagination.  When your soul is present you are one with God.  This means that God is with you and in you, seeing through your eyes, manifesting and influencing everything and everyone you come into contact with, directly and indirectly.

I sit here alone and I radiate like a new sun being born. Alone but not alone. In need of everything and nothing, everyone and nobody, happy and sad, tired and overflowing with energy. It is like being the two sides of the coin at once, and both sides of every coin minted.

I sit here serving by not serving.

Perhaps some of you are very present now, perhaps you have suddenly

manifested and come into being....

You are blessed.

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