Friday, September 29, 2017

Lately I Have Been Experiencing...

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Lately I have been experiencing a lot of agony.... 
Wanting to know the future... 
Wanting to understand my own process... 
I look everywhere to find some kind of comfort... 
formatory answers, formatory explanations.... 
But the truth in my experiences 
is that there is no comfort in them at all for me. 
I have to just step into the unknown 
and accept the unknowingness moment to moment.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Love is Very Sacred...

Dale Chihuly

Love is very sacred, and in art, 
and many religious ancient traditions, 
the sun is used as a symbol of this radiating and heart opening love. 
Once the inner world is awakened by this 'sacred and solar light', 
the soul is somehow safe, 
even capable of opening and inducing this light in the heart of others 

Monday, September 25, 2017

I Have Been Able to Verify...

I have been able to verify 
that the machine takes long to digest life processes. 
However, when God gives us moments of presence, 
the soul can have immense understandings in an instant. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Rafael Camargo Troyo

Rafael Camargo Troyo

On Death

Then Almitra spoke, saying, We would ask now of death.
And he said:
You would know the secret of death. But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heath of life? The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light. If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life. For life and death are one, even as the river and sea are one.
In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.
Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd when he stands before the king whose hand is to be laid upon him in honor. Is the shepherd not joyful beneath his trembling, that he shall wear the mark of the king? Yet is he not more mindful of his trembling?
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?
Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.
~Kahlil Gibran The Prophet

Monday, September 18, 2017

Trust in Dreams...

Trust in dreams,
for in them is hidden 
the gate to eternity.
~Khalil Gibran

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Idea is Finding Harmony...

Mayfield Parrish

The idea is finding harmony and really verifying it exists; 
knowing it within oneself is amazing.
To be able to be that harmony in a group, 
apart from school meetings, 
with fellow human beings 
is one of the greatest gifts I have been experiencing lately.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Frank Cadogan Cowper

Faith is something we gain little by little, 
it is not something that belongs 
or can be understood by the lower centers. 
We build our faith and then when the lower centers 
and their senses return we can remember our 'faith'. 
It can be this faith that we hold on to 
and takes us through the difficult and often unknown places 
we will go in our physical and emotional worlds. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

In the Beautiful Act...

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

 In the beautiful act of having this faith in oneself 
there is an inherent acquiescence 
to a "higher Right" or a higher truth ... 
perhaps a more divine perspective. 
I remember a time when I had lost the ability to do this, 
to submit to the higher, 
to trust and believe 
that I would be held gently in the hands of grace. 
It was a dark time, and yet, as Rodney Collin says, 
faith holds a thread for us, once we have known it, 
and it is this thread which will finally guide us home. 
In the darkness, 
I couldn't feel a connection to any sense of faith, 
but even then, 
I knew the pain of its absence was a guarantee that it existed. 
And so I kept looking, 
and through the difficult journey 
I begin to see bits of light, 
and finally some guiding hands appeared, 
and with them the keys to open my eyes. 
And through this difficult journey 
I finally arrived here with you all, 
and I know that grace had given me my home at last.
This feeling of trust and certainty 
has not left me again, and were it to do so, 
I now have the gift of understanding to help guide me back.

Friday, September 8, 2017

There is Nothing...

"There is nothing so much like God 
in all the universe as silence" 
~ Meister Eckhart 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Guiding "I"...

My Guiding "I" pointed out 
that all along what I am doing as a Man was
creating my own eternity. 
How glorious to realize my moments with each
one of you are immortal?  
This is why it is so important to be
"Lovely" to each other.

I invite you to come and loaf with me through the ions,
and what I want from you is what I can but give you.
Create the eternity you want now,
extract it from the mire of life, 
as a young girl collecting the fruit
of an orchard or flowers from a spring field.

Collect, and remember.

 ~Mervyn ... 1998

Monday, September 4, 2017

Make Ourselves Sensitive...

Make ourselves sensitive to the reception of telepathy,
 able to distinguish and preserve ideas 
and messages which enter our minds from a higher level. 
I believe this in fact happens 
much more often than we think, 
but that such ideas and messages are ordinarily 
sucked into the flood of our own personal thought 
and thus very soon lose their nature and power. 
We have to learn to recognize 
the reception of higher ideas in the moment it occurs. 

~Rodney Collin
The Theory of Conscious Harmony

Saturday, September 2, 2017

If a Man Really Begins to See...

If a man really begins to see 
that most of his suffering is unreal, 
if he begins to 'sacrifice his suffering', 
as it used to be said, 
then even in this life it loses its sting. 

~Rodney Collin
The Theory of Conscious Harmony