Friday, March 31, 2017

Sometimes in the Flurry of Life...

Sometimes in the flurry of life 
I am helped by the realization of just one true thing, 
a moment of choosing compassion over insistence, 
a moment taken when the mystery of life 
is allowed to unfold without putting words to the experience. 
I am so grateful for these gifts of simplicity, and clarity, 
because they can become a wave which infuses all of life, 
if we just allow the moment to take hold in us.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Yesterday I Had to Ask...

Yesterday I had to ask a real question to my inner world 
and to the present moment. 
"What is going on Now... With no buffers to keep me status quo.?" 
I saw accounts accumulating and taking space, 
my spiritual vanity and self importance taking up space. 
When I was able to have the courage 
to be real with what was happening...
my soul started to be more here. 
In my work right now I must really check in. 
Not buffer so much, then see and come to a state of acceptance 
where my Soul is a part of what Is; 
machine and soul together.

Monday, March 27, 2017

I Remember Melvyn...

I remember Mervyn often making connections and metaphors 
for what was happening in his electronic world (the world of his soul) 
with the computer terminology, 
so he would have his basic program that was ready for an 'upgrade' 
in software and then his soul 
would have a short time of these downloads. 
As if by magic he was able to have higher emotional states 
and in those greater realizations. 
So what I believe is vital to remember is 
to have patience with your machine and through that love 
for this yin and yang experience 
comes the strength to bring the marriage 
of the soul and machine/essence, 
into our day to day experiences through presence.

Friday, March 24, 2017

What I Have Found is That Clarity...

What I have found is that clarity or truth of the heart, 
once heard becomes the compass turning north for the machine. 
It is a partnership of navigating 
through the experience of life and human existence. 
When the machine learns to listen to the dictates of the soul, 
it is a powerful partnership of guidance 
and the will to carry on. 
It is bringing consciousness and love to our machine, 
that is a true honoring of our Truth to know ourselves 
and to include the guidance of our souls in everything we experience.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Songs of the Soul...(La Noche Oscura Del Alma)

Once in the dark of night,
Inflamed with love and yearning, I arose
(O coming of delight!)
And went, as no one knows, 
When all my house lay long in deep repose

All in the dark went right,
Down secret steps, disguised in other clothes, 
(O coming of delight!)
In dark when no one knows, 
When all my house lay long in deep repose.

And in the luck of night
In secret places where no other spied 
I went without my sight
Without a light to guide
Except the heart that lit me from inside.

It guided me and shone
Surer than noonday sunlight over me,
And led me to the one
Whom only I could see
Deep in a place where only we could be.

O guiding dark of night!
O dark of night more darling than the dawn!
O night that can unite
A lover and loved one,
Lover and loved one moved in unison.

And on my flowering breast
Which I had kept for him and him alone 
He slept as I caressed
And loved him for my own,
Breathing an air from redolent cedars blown.

And from the castle wall 
The wind came down to winnow through his hair
Bidding his fingers fall,
Searing my throat with air
And all my senses were suspended there. 

I stayed there to forget.
There on my lover, face to face, I lay.
All ended, and I let
My cares all fall away
Forgotten in the lilies on that day.
~St. John of the Cross

La Noche Oscura Del Alma

En una noche obscura,
con ansias en amores imflamada,
¡oh dichosa uentura!
sali sin ser notada,
estando ya mi casa sosegada.

A escuras y segura,
por la secreta escala disfraçada,
¡oh dichosa uentura!
a escuras y ençelada,
estando ya mi casa sosegada.

En la noche dichosa,
en secreto, que nadie me ueya,
ni yo miraua cosa,
sin otra luz ni guia
sino la que en el coraçon ardia.

Aquesta me guiaua
mas cierto que la luz del mediodia,
adonde me esperaua
quien yo bien me sabia,
en parte donde nadie parecia.

¡Oh noche que me guiaste!
¡oh noche amable mas que el aluorada!,
¡oh noche que juntaste
amado con amada,
amada en el amado transformada!

Y en mi pecho florido,
que entero para el solo se guardaua,
alli quedo dormido,
y yo le regalaua,
y el ventalle de cedros ayre daua.

El ayre de la almena,
cuando ya sus cabellos esparzia,
con su mano serena
en mi cuello heria,
y todos mis sentidos suspendia.

Quedeme y oluideme,
el rostro recline sobre el amado,
ceso todo, y dexeme,
dexando mi cuidado
entre las açucenas olvidado.
~St. John of the Cross

Monday, March 20, 2017


Join me on a joy ride

With my lover of the sea
His heart danced with the flowing tides 
And now his spirit's free

His friend the sun came shining
Thru eyes of mischief brown
Each day broke blessed with seagull chimes 
And so much laughter round

Now whales are singing his
Special song from underneath the sea 
They knew his soul was filled with love 
for all of them you see

Each breech and blow and dive so deep 
Pay tribute to his call
To higher seas he's travelled
But his love 
Yes his love 
his love is in us all

His life a catered party
Where all of us could feast
With pearls of wisdom
Strung on end and laughter never ceased 

With brother Oz a guiding
A course on Cortez Sea
They chased majestic footprints 
And cherished how to be

Now whales are singing his
Special song from underneath the sea 
They knew his soul was filled with love 
for all of them you see

Each breech and blow and dive so deep 
Pay tribute to his call
To higher seas he's travelled
But his love 
Yes his love 
his love is in us all

Friday, March 17, 2017

I Have Been Struggling...

I have been struggling with states of confusion 
and emotional ups and downs of my machine 
which always presents as a storm. 
The inner world is the place where I find my solace, 
my strength and my personal truth. 
In a way this truth is seeing and understanding 
my own machine and my own play 
through objective eyes; the eyes of my soul. 
In those moments there is a stillness and clarity 
that dissipates, any I storm, any confusion...
and a new state of being emerges.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

There Are Moments...

"There are moments in our lives, 
there are moments in a day,
when we seem to see beyond the usual - 
become clairvoyant.
We reach then into reality. 
Such are the the moments of our greatest happiness. 
Such are the moments of our greatest wisdom."
~American artist Robert Henri.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Perhaps All The Dragons...

Perhaps all the dragons in our lives 
are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, 
just once, with beauty and courage. 
Perhaps everything that frightens us is, 
in its deepest essence, 
something helpless that wants our love. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Everybody Has at One Time...

Everybody has at one time or another 
known inner direction from a higher level ... 
If two or three hundred people in the whole Work, 
or even fifty, permanently lived under this direction 
and carried it out, 
there is no limit to what could be achieved.
~Rodney Collin

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Just Let Go...

 "Just let go. 
Let go of how you thought your life should be, 
and embrace the life 
that is trying to work its way into your consciousness"  
~ Zen Proverb

Monday, March 6, 2017

Rilke Talks About Flying...

Rilke talks about flying in repeated circles in his life, 
this reminds me that the inner world, 
when it takes flight, 
has the ability to scan the broadest possible vistas. 
When we are able to see more as from above, 
we have the potential to see how we fit in the larger picture. 
From this scale, a new beginning can be made, 
again and again, in increasing circles of understanding. 
Our understandings, 
while uniquely cast in the flavor of our essence and experience, 
can be increasingly seen with eyes 
which see the beauty of the Divine plan. 
This is the hope and gift of increasing Consciousness.

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Awakening of the Soul...

The awakening of the soul 
is exactly what the words say, 
the soul awakens and has to find a way to manifest in this world. 
However, as we said 

the body will constantly try to take this space 
and claim it for its own. 
It is interesting that we have a soul, 
but we don't always remember that. 
Therefore, the first requirement is to "remember" the soul. 
This is man's greatest obstacle; 
he forgets and becomes consumed by the body's attempts to 
digest and control his life. 
A man must find a way to constantly "remember" 
his inner world. 
~Mervyn Brady

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

It is in the Quality...

It is in the quality of being truly open 
to find what was there all along, 
in the Miraculous of everyday life. 