It will always be our mechanics that will come and bite us.
We all suffer our own recurrence.
The shock this, when met with the appropriate effort,
is the food for our awakening.
When we see it, realize it and meet it-
It’s in that moment
that we are presenting ourselves to the Gods
and accepting what is.
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Setting Your Spiritual Aim
Join us on Saturday January 25 , 2025 for an online event, "Setting Your Spiritual Aim". The new year brings new hope and potential. It is a time when we reflect, reset ourselves, reaffirm our wishes and goals, and make resolutions. Often, these revolve around finances, careers, travel, health, etc. Each is worthy of our attention, but what about our Spiritual Aim? Do you wish to find a practice or venture deeper within yourself? How do you begin? What is a Spiritual Aim and how do I set one and work towards it? Please join us for this one-hour workshop and learn simple, practical ways to become specific with your inner wish and form a Spiritual Aim that will help guide you into the new year.