Friday, August 31, 2018

I've Found It Helpful...

I've found it helpful when judging another,
to go from judgment to observing. 
 I find myself saying, "So that’s what it looks like"
because I have done what they are doing
and it needs to have a light cast on it. 
Then my judgment is not 
thrown on them
but comes to me 
in an observation 
of myself 
and the 
human condition.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Writing On the Sand...

William Blake

I was intrigued by William Blake' s painting
 of Jesus writing on the sand. 
Why did Blake chose to depict that? 

Perhaps if I write my judgement I's about someone on sand,
instead of carving them in stone, and use them as a mirror 
to see my self, then I can grow in understanding. 

And if I can see myself honestly. 
If I bring presence into the picture 
and pray for guidance many times, 
I end up in complete awe of the perfection 
of how things work out, 
how the play is there for us 
to be able to see.


Monday, August 27, 2018

I Had A Piercing Moment...

I had a piercing moment in my small terrace garden 
several years back. 
In presence, 
I was regarding the plants which were in a riot of growth, 
both planned and unplanned. 
As I started to weed and prune, 
I realized this was a lesson for my life. 
Sometimes we need to clear away what is unnecessary, 
in order for harmony and beauty to shine forth. 
Sometimes it is the unquestioned complications of our lives, 
the trivia, the excesses, which take over. 
In order to get back to the heart of things, 
sometimes it is important to clear the detritus away. 
Hard to see this, to see what these things even are sometimes. 
But when we see past the I's
and the unnecessary struggles to "survive," 
a calmness takes hold, 
and what is real can come into view. 
We need to tend the gardens of our lives carefully.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Observation Is...


is such a beautiful method with presence.
Eventually, one can slow down the features 
from running the show. 
One begins to have a choice as to how one responds 
when a feature is

Also, I have found it useful 
to see the positive side of the feature, 
and work with that. 
For instance, without some vanity, 
I would probably not be a successful performer. 
And yet when presence is added to the mix, 
I can gently release the feature, 
and go higher,  
something mysterious can enter 
and play the music 


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Only Way to Live...

The only way to live is to accept 
each minute as it really is,
an unrepeatable 


Friday, August 17, 2018

The Other River

Gurdjieff talks about how we can enter that other river 
which flows nearby our mechanical lives 
where all is in harmony, where the soul is in charge. 
Whereas Emerson says, "all the parts and particles 
form the whole, the “oversoul.” 
But we cannot live in this second stream, he tells us,
until we loosen our attachments to this other life. 
So hard to do, but little by little we try, 
with acceptance, of ourselves and others.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I Wish I Could Show You...

I wish I could show you 
when you are lonely
or in darkness
the astonishing light 
of your own 


Monday, August 13, 2018

O Human Race...

"O human race, born to fly upward, 
wherefore at a little wind dost thou so fall?"
~ Dante Alighieri

Friday, August 10, 2018

Music Is ...

Carmen Guedez

Music is the one incorporeal entrance 
into the higher world of knowledge 
which comprehends mankind 
but which mankind cannot comprehend.
~Ludwig Van Beethoven

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

I Am Reminded...

 I am reminded of the higher right 
being that which helps us to be most present and in the moment, 
so by definition that which helps us be present is 'good' 
and that which puts us under 
too many laws to be present is ' not good'. 
We must guard our state 
and sometimes it can seem cold and distant to those in our lives 
to turn away from them but if we are in a situation 
of almost constant negative emotions from those around us, 
then the higher right is to walk away.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Nearly Every Action...

Giotto Di Bondone

Nearly every action or thought process 
that takes place in the world contains judgement. 
It is a big opportunity to change level of Being 
and be able to step forward and embrace new understanding 
and let go of stale behaviors and wrong thinking. 

Friday, August 3, 2018

One Has No Right...

“One has no right to love or hate anything 
if one has not acquired a thorough knowledge of its nature. 
Great love springs from great knowledge of the Beloved object, 
and if you know it but little, 
you will be able to love it only a little or not at all.” 
~Leonardo Da Vinci

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Real Suffering Seems Obvious...

William Holman Hunt

Real suffering seems obvious
but when the feature or center of gravity is doing its thing
it's not always clear
because of the intensity of the emotions in the moment. 
One feature of unnecessary suffering that seems to manifest
is imagination usually coupled with inner-considering, 
and both needing identification. 
As students, 
we are learning to more rapidly discern 
what is actually happening and to observe our state 
so that we can more quickly introduce divided attention 
and hopefully self-remembering to the situation 
and begin to see things for what they are.