Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What We Have Been Given...

What we have been given is such a miracle, 
and to undervalue it must really be a sin. 
Few of us are gifted with the wisest of fellow travelers 
to reflect only the best of ourselves back at us.

Monday, March 25, 2019

One Angle I Have...

One angle I have on True Personality,
is that it is the manner in which we are open and, 
trusting in the work ideas 
and in turn how one can then share these ideas with others, 
of course, personality is the “ Vehicle “
for essence and soul to move. 
The “True” part is that it can do this lightly 
and in service of the higher, 
recognizing the light mask it must wear and then, 
like the artwork shows 
trust the hands of the higher 
to move through the octaves.

Friday, March 22, 2019

In This Moment...

In this moment, 
I feel his words and being (Mervyn)
helping me with detachment. 
Right now my Soul is here, 
but my machine is too. 
And she has I’s of all sorts. 
But not to linger. 
Return to the Eternal now. 
It’s a dance.

The other incredible part for me in his words
is “only in the home of your Father”. 
Whatever dance is happening in my world so to speak, 
to remember my aim. 
To connect to the highest part, 
hold on to that to reach for Grace. 
For me, 
it speaks of the only attachment is to the Higher
and our Soul is the bridge.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Remember ...

“Remember that you have only one soul; 
that you have only one death to die; 
that you have only one life, 
which is short and has to be lived by you alone; 
and there is only one Glory, 
which is eternal. 
If you do this, 
there will be many things about which you care nothing. ” 
~St. Theresa of Avila

Monday, March 18, 2019

Something I Observed ...

Something I observed within my process
is the fear that often comes from crime or a storm. 
Fear of acting from my machine,
 fear of communicating and in particular as well, 
fear of making mistakes. 
It’s incredible to watch this happening. 
For me, faith on such a deep level must bear fruit inside, 
for these storms teach me so much. 
And sometimes, my heart gets pierced, 
as I see within myself
the frailty and sweetness of being a human being.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Will We Let Fear...

John William Waterhouse

Will we let fear and weakness overcome us 
and be a slave to our machine forever 
or will we let the soul 
lead us to our true self?

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

We All Have To Live...

We all have to live our own lives, 
philosophically speaking, 
and sometimes a break with our teacher is necessary, 
for the real understandings to begin to take root. 
All the beautiful beings who come before
have given us food to nourish this process. 
We cannot take on their lives, 
or their particular fragrances. 
We must feed the development of our own particular soul journey
and then our connection to the higher will be made
not just through another soul, 
but directly, and singularly. 
Our own voice, then, 
can be taught to sing!

Monday, March 11, 2019

I'm Reminded...

I'm reminded, 
even after the most glorious meetings, 
Higher States, beautiful realizations - 
We can fall back asleep. 
Our Work is one of continual Vigilance. 
And yet, is as simple as breathing, 
dividing attention, 
allowing the Divinity of the Sunrise to pierce us.

Friday, March 8, 2019

If The Doors ...

William Blake

“If the doors of perception were cleansed 
everything would appear to man as it is;
For man sees all things 
through narrow chinks of his cavern.”
~William Blake

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

For Me...

 For me, 
The Conscious Beings were and continue to be a revelation. 
First, because I was poorly read, 
and had not heard of many of them, 
or if I had, had not read them or seen their work. 
Being introduced to them 
helped bring a humility and humanity to the Work, 
to see that I was not alone – historically - on this path. 
That these extraordinary beings 
had all started somewhere and grew their souls. 
This made it a realizable aim for me. 
To be lifted by them over and over 
and to be led to others in their circles 
or contemporaries has helped me so much.

Monday, March 4, 2019

It Is Wonderful...

It is wonderful that the Conscious Beings words, 
images and presence touch us regardless of time, 
how they are relevant in this moment
in our time as they were in their own.
My inner world has noticed over the years 
how there are certain Conscious Beings 
I am attracted to 
and constantly go to for nourishment and solace.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Look Out Into The Universe...

Look out into the universe and contemplate the glory of God. 
Observe the stars, millions of them, 
twinkling in the night sky, 
all with a message of unity, 
part of the very nature of God. 
~Sai Baba