Friday, November 29, 2019

Let Gratitude Be The Pillow...

“Let gratitude be the pillow 
upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. 
And let faith be the bridge 
you build to overcome evil and welcome good.”
~Maya Angelou

Monday, November 25, 2019

I Find The Best Way ...

I find the best way to transform negativity 
is to go to a higher place 
using some of the work tools to help me get there. 
Having I's about negative emotions 
seems to make them more real. 
If we are really being true and honoring our inner world 
giving it the esteem and credit and respect that it deserves, 
then we will put it first above and beyond.
The lower consumes the higher' 
is a law we can all verify to be true.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Let Thought Become Your Beautiful Lover...

Let Thought Become Your 
Beautiful Lover

Let thought become the beautiful Woman.
Cultivate your mind and heart to that depth
That it can give you everything
A warm body can.

Why just keep making love with God's child-- Form
When the Friend Himself is standing
Before us
So open-armed?

My dear,
Let prayer become your beautiful Lover
And become free,
Become free of this whole world
Like Hafiz.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

This Is From Mervyn...

Gustave Courbet

This is from Mervyn. 
It is a reminder to me of third force 
and aim that negative emotion stops h12. 
That is quite shocking considering how much time 
people generally spend expressing negative emotions. 

Monday, November 18, 2019

We Can Honor...

We can honor the negative I's in such a way 
that we are also acknowledging the I's are not real, 
and that the moment is too precious 
to lose ourselves in those I's. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Be Still...

“Be Still and know that I am God.”
I’ve heard this bible verse countless times 
but only recently gained Understanding of its deeper meaning. 
It was like God smacked me down and said, 
how can you ever *hear* me 
if you don’t stop talking? 
How can ever be guided by my Divinity 
when your mind is so damn busy?

You must learn to *listen* said the voice.
I am everywhere. 
I am in the wind. 
In the trees. 
In the sunrise. 
In the moving river and the bubbling fountain. 
Can you hear me now?
It was like a fuzzy picture becoming clear.
Yes Lord, I hear you now!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Keep silent...

“Keep silent, 
because the world of silence is a vast fullness.”

Monday, November 4, 2019

If We Cannot Reach Silence...

If we cannot reach silence or stillness 
at least we can observe those I’s 
that are blocking our way.

Friday, November 1, 2019


“Struggle, faith, effort, will, pain 
and joy and memory and compassion and sacrifice. 
All these belong to the coming alive of the soul.” 
~Rodney Collin