Monday, February 28, 2022

I’ve Understood ...


I’ve understood that angels 

have always attended to my needs 

but recently have found comfort in calling them in. 

My sense personally is they are sometimes ancestors. 

I have begun to rely on them 

and see their loving touches 

now that my eyes are open. 


Monday, February 21, 2022

I Am Not Bound...


I am not bound to win, 
but I am bound to be true. 
I am not bound to succeed, 
but I am bound to live
 by the light that I have. 
I must stand with anybody 
that stands right, 
and stand with him while he is right, 
and part with him 
when he goes wrong.
~Abraham Lincoln

Friday, February 18, 2022

I'm Having A New Understanding...


Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

I'm having a new understanding of love, 
and like O just said, 
the scale of awakening 
is sometimes lost in our imagination 
as to what it actually is. 
The same is true for love. 
We have a picture 
based on our mechanics and experiences, 
and feminine dominance etc. 
of what love is, 
and it is so much more than this. 
There seems to be a detachment in higher love, 
and an acceptance as well.
So to be gifted with the state of love 
is a much higher experience 
than what the love of the machine feels.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Love Is...


Love is the healing water 
that will soften my rough edges, 
that will soften the noise of my "clanging cymbal". 
Love will channel this energy 
into a higher & finer energy. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Prayer Is Not Asking. ...


“Prayer is not asking. 
It is a longing of the soul. 
It is daily admission of one's weakness. 
It is better in prayer 
to have a heart without words 
than words without a heart.” 
~Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, February 11, 2022

If You Are In Nonexistence...


If you are in nonexistence, 
you hold your emotions 
or energy back in some space 
that is safe for the machine. 
You would do better to harness the emotion 
and use it gracefully in well directed H12 
to make the connections you seek. 
Because if you force the emotions 
into queenie expressions just to make connections, 
you may lose the precious energy. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

We Have Been Talking...


We have been talking lately 
about External Consideration, 
when we learn to feel the other, 
enter into their "play" 
and honor their needs. 
This can be challenging, 
as it can collide with our plans in the moment. 
But as I learn to keep that connection with love 
and the higher more constantly, 
it becomes more natural. 
And I can remember to do that.

Monday, February 7, 2022

When We Try ...


Sir Frederick Leighton 

When we try to force our thoughts 
onto a person we are not teaching; 
but if we try to hear 
what he does not understand, 
we are learning; 
then we can feel the person 
and can teach him. 
There is only one truth 
and people must come to it 
in their own way.
~Rodney Collin, The Mirror of Light

Friday, February 4, 2022

When I Began...


When I began the Work, 
it was for the simple purpose 
of connecting with something higher. 
I didn’t have words for it then, 
but I knew I had lost the connection 
to that which mattered most. 
I would have said at that time 
that all the wrong things 
had become too IMPORTANT, 
but I could not find the RIGHT things. 
Now I know 
it was that I had lost 
a feeling of connection with my soul, 
and through that to the higher in me. 
But back then it was much more mysterious.