I know what it is to be consumed
by the lower while the soul watches in anguish.
Thank heaven for the grace of the higher.
There's a beautiful prayer
that was at the end of the movie
"Don't Look Up".
A comet is hurtling toward earth
and will destroy it.
A few scientists
have been attempting to tell the public
about this but the "powers that be"
(news media, government, etc.)
are making light of it.
At the end of the movie the scientists
and their loved ones are sitting together at dinner,
knowing it's a matter of minutes before life ends.
A prayer is offered and it is so beautiful:
“Dearest Father and Almighty Creator,
We ask for your grace tonight,
despite our pride,
Your forgiveness,
despite our doubt.
Most of all, Lord,
we ask for your love
to soothe us through these dark times.
May we face whatever is to come
in your divine will
with courage and open hearts of acceptance.”
What has been piercing me is the line:
"we ask for your grace tonight,
despite our pride".
I don't have any more words
to convey the power of this phrase,
this prayer.
I love it so
and my heart opens up a bit more,
opening up those closed chambers.