Monday, August 28, 2023

I Am Able To Observe ...


I am able to observe 
that my machine often takes me out of a state 
and then finds it is disappointed on some level. 
I understand the idea of leaving the machine behind, 
yet I’m not sure as to how to do it. 
Maybe this is where being comes in, or trust? 
As A recently said to me,
 ‘Sometimes you just really have to go for it.’

Friday, August 25, 2023

When I Can Not Transform...

When I can not transform the negativity within, 
I've taken to speaking about it with another student, 
someone that I trust. 
Usually, it's P. 
I "confess" these horrible rumblings that are inside. 
And while speaking, 
to be as honest as I can. 
I KNOW and HEAR the awfulness of these lower emotions 
as I'm talking. 
In the light of emergence, 
the brutality and coarseness are shown. 
It's humbling. 
In the action of this, 
the power of these lower emotions is loosened, 
their grip is lessened.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Adopt The Pace...


"Adopt the pace of nature:

Her secret is patience."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Monday, August 21, 2023

For Me...

Charles Augustin Wauters

For me 
it is important to seek the mechanical reasons 
as to why negativity is evoked 
and then 
to either avoid the stimulation of the negativity, 
if possible, or to let it go. 
If I let too much negativity build up inside of me, 
it becomes impossible not to express it.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Never Give Up Prayer...


Melani Pyke

Never give up prayer,
and should you find dryness and difficulty,
persevere in it for this very reason.
God often desires to see what love your soul has, 
and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction.
~St. John of the Cross 

Monday, August 14, 2023

I Remember...

Natalie Jean

 I remember being very negative 
in an argument with my Boss many years ago. 
I tried self-remembering but was being difficult. 
Then, I saw the Human Resource gentlemen. 
He was listening and at peace. 
His peace gave me permission to return to my peace. 
It was then I verified how negative emotions 
have been taught to us and it is within us.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Upcoming Event: Gurdjieff Movements Workshop - Spring Valley, New York

On Saturday, Sept. 9th, and on Sunday, Sept. 10th, The Academy of European Arts and Culture are hosting a two day workshop on the Gurdjieff Dances. All levels of experience and ability are welcome to attend. The workshop will be led by world renowned instructor Graciela Gomez Lafarga from Mexico City. Graciela has been teaching the Gurdjieff Sacred Movements for over 20 years and is part of the Gurdjieff Sacred Movements International Group of Instructors. Graciela will be leading this workshop with her assistant Adriana Flores Hinojos. The sacred dances have been described as one of most sophisticated techniques of meditation in movement. Through harmony of the different parts of our body: emotion, intellect and physical body, a possibility to reach a meditative space opens. The practice opens one up to a depth of observation and self knowledge which can be difficult to reach through other methods. Reserve by making a payment before August 11th for the early bird rate of $95. On August 12th the rate will be $120 for the workshop weekend.

Our Goal...

Maxfield Parrish

"Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement...
get up in the morning
and look at the world 
in a way that takes nothing for granted.
Everything is phenomenal;
everything is incredible;
never treat life casually.
To be spiritual
is to be amazed."
~Abraham Joshua Heschel

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

I Awaken To The Light...


I awaken to the light of my Soul
I burst free and disperse into a multitude of sparks, 
merging with the universe. 
I can no longer be contained. 
I permeate space and know the All.
I dissolve into the essence of God.
There is no where to go 
but to the center of creation
Like a magnetic force I am pulled there...
I am torn apart. 
Willingly split into particles of light. 
I float into the vast space, 
a plasma that oozes into eternity, 
Containing within it, 
all that has ever been and all that will ever be.
Can I exist in that space 
while I am walking the earth?
Can I be rooted in the origin of creation, 
while I breathe and live in this body?

Monday, August 7, 2023

My Heart Is Full...


My heart is full with many imprints of god, 
tears don't stop coming down 
and soul surfacing like a white dove..
I thought of you this morning, 
your beauty, your courage 
and the light that resides in you..
Life brings us many shortcuts and detours, 
there is a deep suffering in all of us 
for being separate from the spirit, 
I felt it so strongly this morning….
We have an opportunity to BE with each other, 
to feed our souls, 
to realize the magnitude of the essence 
and the beauty of our soul
As I was writing to you, 
my phone turned on-
finished downloading the new software, 
and the first image that popped is the one below..
I love you!!!!!

Friday, August 4, 2023

A Few Meetings Ago...

A few meetings ago, 
M mentioned she was looking at a site (Facebook) 
that had images of sacred geometry. 
She spoke of photos taken inside instruments.
This is one taken inside a cello:
It's empty! 
Waiting to be played 
so the vibrations can resonate and create music. 
I find this so powerful. 
An empty space is necessary for the magic to happen - 
to find that within and be in attention. 
Bennett refers to this 
as the ‘psychic tone’ of our inner life.'
It came to me that the "meeting" never ends. 
We are all connected 
and so in harmony with each other. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

One Can Be...

One can be in a lighter energy 
when one is in essence, 
but this is not being present. 
Even dividing one’s attention is not being present. 
You cannot make yourself present. 
It happens and is a gift from above.