Monday, December 30, 2024

The Transformation...


Edward Burne-Jones

The transformation 
that we are achieving in the school 
is perhaps one word - love. 
And we are now so far beyond the Fourth Way, 
that we are higher than the King, 
higher than the sex centre. 
We are being fed from World’s 6 and 12. 
This is the fastest way to evolve 
and it was Mervyn’s wish 
that the school develop in this way. 
Awakening is not for the intellectual privileged few, 
it is for anyone who has a soul.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Never Give Up Prayer...

Vincent Van Gogh

Never give up prayer,
and should you find dryness and difficulty,
persevere in it for this very reason.
God often desires to see what love your soul has,
and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction.
~St. John of the Cross

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Greater...


Let us not forget
tomorrow is Kwanzaa. 
So let's celebrate that as well.

The greater your inner light,
the brighter your outer world.

Wishing you and your families a 
Very Joyous Christmas and 
Happy Chanukah and Sweet Kwanzaa!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Working With Negative Vanity...


Nakayama Koyo

Working with negative vanity, 
I realize that no matter how serious the issue is 
“life goes on.” 
So, if I die, life will carry on. 
I don’t mean to sound morbid, 
but this is the way life and being present is. 
If we are present to life 
we realize it just goes on and on and on 
from one to the next. 
One day is dramatic Queen stuff 
and the next is silly Jack stuff. 
This is one way 
I have been able to see the difference 
between observing and taking the moment higher. 
If I just observe the Queen day without taking it higher, 
it goes into memory temporarily. 
This is memory which can be used by the machine 
to get negative or identified later. 
But when the moment is taken higher, 
the memory is just as it is; 
a moment beautified by having been present 
and the soul remembers it forever 
as it was without identification.

Friday, December 20, 2024

In Order To Be Assimilated...


Dave Petersen

In order to be assimilated and transformed, 
impressions have to be received by essence.
This requires a conscious effort 
at the moment of the impression.
And it requires a definite feeling, 
a feeling of love for being, 
for being present. 
We must respond to impressions 
no longer from the vantage point 
of personality but from love for being present. 
This will transform 
our whole way of thinking and feeling.
~Jean De Salzmann, The Reality of Being

Friday, December 13, 2024

I Think...


I think that the process of observation 
is one that never ends in this work. 
With observation 
there is a refinement that can occur. 
is a third force for this refinement. 
There is an opportunity to learn 
in almost every moment.

Monday, December 9, 2024

I Am Still....


I am still very much digesting 
one of the earliest observations and verifications 
I made when I joined the Academy; 
that with self-remembering 
one has a choice. 
We make an observation about our mechanics 
and see how we lose energy, 
or that we become negative, etc. 
We see that this works 
against our aim to be present 
and awaken in this lifetime. 
So, we then have the choice 
to work with the “thing” we observed or not. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

Our Work...


Our work 
is to ground down the star stuff- to digest, 
to verify, to purify the star stuff – 
and it becomes the living word of the highest. 
It is our experience and how we live it, 
digest it, and share it. 
We are doing the work of the higher.

Monday, December 2, 2024

The Truth...


Sofia Ruiz

The truth is that the universe 
has been answering you
all of your life,
but you cannot receive the answers 
unless you are awake.
~Rhonda Byrne, The Secret