Thursday, November 11, 2010

SOUL'S BREAKFAST - Day Ninety-two

Dear friends,
Yesterday we started with a ‘sweet’ breakfast and I believe today we need some protein. And if we are looking for protein there is no one better than Mr. Rodney Collin. The following is a fragment of the legendary ‘Theory of Celestial Influence’. These angles have been very useful to me when I’ve met with people interested in joining the School and in my own Work.
I believe Rodney has the great virtue of explaining things in a very clear way, and at the same time keeping the mysticism behind the phenomena . I recommend you explore his angles, for even Mervyn used to say he was his closest teacher.
See you tomorrow!

Another curious psychological trick must be mentioned in connection with the moment when a man first hears about self-remembering. If he connects it with something he has heard or read before, with some religious or philosophical or oriental term with which he is already familiar, the idea immediately disappears for him, loses its power. For it can only open new possibilities to him as a completely new idea.  If it connects with some familiar association it means that it has entered the wrong part of his mind, where it will become pigeonholed like any other piece of knowledge. A shock has been wasted, and only with great difficulty may the man return again to the same opportunity.
When a man first hears about self-remembering, if he takes it seriously, all kinds of new possibilities immediately seem open to him. He cannot understand why he never thought of it before. He feels that he has only to do this, and all his doubts, artificialities and difficulties will disappear, and all kinds of things will become possible and easy for him, which before he regarded as completely beyond his reach. His whole life will be transformed ...
Thus self-remembering , or the practice of divided attention –though the first glimpse of it may seem extraordinary simple, easy and obvious- in reality requires a complete reconstruction of one’s whole life and point of view, both towards oneself and other people; as long as one believes that one has the power to do, that is, to make things other than they are, either internally or externally, the state of self-remembering seems to retreat from one the more efforts one makes to achieve it. What at first seemed just round the corner later begins to seem infinitely far off, impossible of achievement.
And yet many years of struggle and failure may be necessary before one comes to a curious psychological fact, which is in reality connected with a very important law indeed. This fact is that although it is extraordinarily difficult to divide one’s attention into two, it is much more possible for it to be divided into three: although it is extraordinarily difficult to remember oneself and one’s surroundings simultaneously, it may be much more possible to remember oneself and one’s surroundings in the presence of something else.
As we have seen, no phenomenon is produced by two forces: every phenomenon and every real result requires three forces. The practice of self-remembering or division of attention is connected with the attempt to produce a certain phenomenon, the birth of consciousness in oneself ...
What is this third factor which must be remembered? Each person must find it for himself, and his own form of it – his school, his teacher, his purpose, the principles he has learned, the Sun, some higher power in the universe, God. He must remember that he and his situation both stand in the presence of higher powers, are both bathed in celestial influence. Fascinated, he is wholly absorbed in the tree he notices: with divided attention, he sees both the tree and himself looking at it: remembering, he is aware of tree, himself, and of the Sun shining impartially upon both. 

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