Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I Am Watching a Grape Vine...

I am watching a grape vine blow in the wind.
 It simulates so eloquently our life
 as it is inspired to move toward the light,
 grounded by the soil where it is rooted
and nourished by the nutrients
 and water it is fueled by.
 It is challenged by the different breezes
 that blow it every direction,
still determined to move toward the light.
Grabbing what it can to stabilize itself,
 but still curious to stretch in new directions of personal growth.
 Some days it moves fast and unwieldy and other days it is deliberate,
but it is never stagnant.
Patient in its journey, allowing its path to flow with what comes its way.
Ultimately baring its fruit as its fingers touch the sun,
its Higher Self is revealed and shared with those ready for it. 
Every move is part of the grand plan.
 Enjoy life, be in the flow.


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