Friday, May 6, 2016

What is it Between Us...

What is it between us? 
What is our attraction.
This silken thread?
That binds us together?
How old is it?
Does it hold hundreds of lifetimes?
Did it always exist?
Or are we a succulent newness conceived 
Of some new movement in the Universe? 
A new creation
Designed by a benevolent or mischievous God?
Distance never seems to matter, 
Neither, the lack of close proximity.
It’s not just you who suffers and lies awake at night.
It was my experience, my life too.
I too doubted myself.
And my thoughts.
Unsure of all material things,
and their promises.
I have walked many roads only to find a cul de sac.
I too intimately know sin,
And have been the victim of the 7 sins.
I too have thought terrible thoughts of my neighbors, 
Judged and sinned against all, 
Even those closest to me.
I have inflicted vicious cuts on those dear to me,
In my passionate ignorance.
I have in me all manner of beasts 
from the lion to the snake,
to the Dove.. 
I have cheated and loved many people,
They have hurt me,
And I have hurt others too.
Driven by power and vanity,
Imperfect in so many ways except one.

And yet you approach me,
And I you.
You question me and haggle
like one in a bazaar.
All I can offer is a knowing glance 
that you may recognize.
For it comes from where you came.
What I have to share cannot be bought in the market place.
This invisible stuff, 
Desired by millions,
Known by so few.
It is all I possess
I am a sacred traveller.
This is not the first road I have travelled.
I am all you have.
Just you and me,
Assisted by an unseen hand.
The Gods that hold me in their hand have no equal,
And they hold you too.
When I see the attaching substance that comes with that knowing glance,
I greet you a member of my own kind.
The Gods that fuse their stuff into me,
Fuse it into you also.
What Religion promised,
Love too,
That silent thief of our hearts,
We are finding daily, 
Have we not tasted them all?
Has not the taste of them created the desire,
To plunge and emerge ourselves in their softness,
Protectiveness and security?
What feeds me
Feeds you.
What you seek 
Stands before you hidden,
In human form, 
Lurking beneath your eyes,
Mirrors of who you are.
Silently speaking 
Words of Love and Liberation to you.
Come with me,
Let the caravan to the stars begin.
No guarantees, 
No maps,
Only hold tight to what we know 
Deep in our highest parts.
We have no limits or boundaries.
No Faith,
Just a deaf, dumb, blind knowing,
that we will learn to
Hear from inside,
Speak from inside
And see from inside.
Silently through wisdom and reflection 
Breaking the bonds that bind us,
We move forward.
I breathe in great space and distant stars.
All creation is mine 
and equally it owns me.
Humbly I fall on my knees 
as I see what lives in me.
I am nothing and everything -
In utter homage,
I prostrate myself,
Before myself,
And before you.
I abandon all wisdom,
I am proof, 
You are proof,
We Souls
The perfect Creation.
I am sorry
I am not sorry.
I have emerged.

~Mervyn Brady

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