Friday, April 5, 2019

I Have Been Feeling ...

I have been feeling even when I was a very little girl
this desire to help those in need. 
To bring harmony. 
When I do something in my essence, 
like teach a yoga class, or write a poem, 
or support a mission that I believe in; 
it feeds my soul with inSpiration (spirit), 
aliveness, and joy.
It is truly a gift what we have been given. 
And the conscious beings before us 
left us a trail through their essence.
The world needs it. 
We need it. 
To be infused with the nectar of our and His divine light. 
It gives us purpose. 
We want to get out of bed
and be present to the miracle of divinity
and how it wants to serve through us. 
We get fed through our essence
and how we add to the celestial pot.

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