Friday, April 29, 2022

As I Sit Here...


As I sit here dividing my attention 
I am bringing my awareness 
to the many and at the same time the one. 
The so many visual stimuli 
I can see in front of me and my periphery, 
and sounds, and the ONE breath. 
Per moment that I hold so many different attentions - 
the fingers moving on the keys, 
the breath I have breathed in the world into me 
and move it out of me effortlessly it vanishes.
I cannot know my own weight - 
but I know I have mass and am a physical being 
moving in space and I am full of light, 
air and am permeable. 
It is my work to hold the dual nature of the journey - 
to recognize it when it is opening itself to me. 
There is wisdom there. 
There are moments to ride upon 
and stay with longer, 
extending moments 
using these realizations to help us.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

One Touch...

One touch of nature
makes the whole world kin.
~William Shakespeare

Monday, April 25, 2022

About Building Desire...


Edward Robert Hughes

About building desire for the work, 
one of the things 
that I have been thinking of lately 
is that we must build our own heaven, 
because we can always return 
to moments of presence. 
So, when we are going through life 
in the busy day to day, 
we have a choice 
to either let that moment pass through the Jacks, 
or to decide to take it in fully 
and store it up in our heaven, 
a place we can always return to. 
To understand 
that our heaven must be constantly created brick by brick, 
moment by moment, 
can be a huge third force to gain desire in the work, 
to stay present, 
and to raise the hydrogens 
by building our heaven 
and by staying out of the Jacks too much.

Friday, April 22, 2022

I Feel Like It Is Often...

I feel like it is often 
our ordinary state of mechanical inclinations 
that we go so quickly. 
Having a queen machine 
in myself I see this very vividly, 
even in meetings - 
rushing to give an angle 
after a student has spoken, 
not allowing the time to digest what one has said, 
feel the immensity of the students words 
from their inner world. 
I am verifying more and more 
the importance of developing 
and using my kings 
so that my inner world can savior an angle, 
digest a piece of music 
while restraining to respond or eliminate so quickly. 
This is the struggle that I have to work with very, very much. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Lose Yourself...

“Lose yourself,
Lose yourself in this love.
When you lose yourself in this love,
you will find everything.

Lose yourself,
Lose yourself.
Do not fear this loss,
For you will rise from the earth
and embrace the endless heavens.

Lose yourself,
Lose yourself.
Escape from this earthly form, 
For this body is a chain
and you are its prisoner.
Smash through the prison wall
and walk outside with the kings and princes.

Lose yourself,
Lose yourself at the foot of the glorious King. When you lose yourself
before the King
you will become the King.

Lose yourself,
Lose yourself.
Escape from the black cloud
that surrounds you.
Then you will see your own light
as radiant as the full moon.

Now enter that silence. 
This is the surest way
to lose yourself. . . .

What is your life about, anyway?—
Nothing but a struggle to be someone,
Nothing but a running from your own silence.”


Friday, April 15, 2022

If We Live...

“If we live in our oneness-heart, 
we will feel the essence of all religions 
which is the love of God. 
Forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, brotherhood 
and the feeling of oneness 
are the signs of a true religion.”
~ Sri Chinmoy

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

It's So Difficult...

           Lionel Smit
It's so difficult to bear it all,
yet that is what I must do.
So I can see and transform.
How can I transform if I buffer, deny?
By bringing in understanding,
love, the willingness to it all,
then I can come into the pure air
of healing & regeneration.
Something about a new order
of the atoms comes to mind.
Breathing in the rarified air of a higher order.


Friday, April 8, 2022

Love ...

Vincent VanGogh

“Love your Enemies, 
for they tell you your Faults.”
~Ben Franklin

Monday, April 4, 2022

I Think...

I think that to try to be present 
whenever you can 
is the higher right, 
to practice more and more 
and push the envelope so to speak. 
To find what stops your being present 
is a good starting point though - 
as you have done 
by starting to observe yourself.

Friday, April 1, 2022

I Think It’s Important...


I think it’s important 
to keep trying to understand 
and forgive our unconscious selves 
and see that if it could have been different 
it would have been. 
For that to happen 
we would have to override mechanical reactions -  
and also if the law of recurrence is to be believed 
we can work in this life 
so that we heal the past 
and it does not recur 
in the next lifetime in the same way.