Monday, May 27, 2024

Grace Is The Fuel We Need...


Francisco de Goya

"Grace is the fuel we need. 

There are 3 kinds of Grace. 

The first one is called simply "Grace." 

This comes as a direct result of your own efforts. 

When you try not to be identified, 

working with negativity etc., 

Grace is a dividend or reward for the various efforts. 

The second one is called "Sanctifying Grace" 

and comes to you from the efforts of others. 

Coming to meetings and hearing knowledge, 

accepting photographs from other Students 

and digesting their help and knowledge. 

The third one is most important 

because it comes directly from a Higher Source. 

It is called "Supernatural Grace." 

Supernatural because it does not come 

from the realms of nature but from above. 

It is essential that a true Student 

becomes familiar with the workings of this one."

~ Mervyn


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