Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Eradicate the conflict....


Excerpt From Ouspensky’s Fable : 
The Benevolent Devil

" It is necessary to eradicate the conflict between 
the life of ideas and the life of every day. 
In order to achieve this, it is necessary that 
you should know yourself. 

Each moment know what you are doing 
and why. Only then will you be the 
master of things rather than their slave

Usually you carry out your wishes before 
you have given any thought as to whether 
or not they are necessary for your 
higher aims.  

Try to live in such a way that you keep a watch 
on your actions and do nothing 
that does not serve the higher purpose. 

Or, to put it another way, learn to
do everything in such 
a way that whatever you do serves a higher
purpose. It is possible to do that. 

But, whatever you are doing, 
it is vital that you ask yourself, before
each thought, before each word, before 
each action: Why am I doing
this? Is this necessary? 

Then, imperceptibly, a number of your 
actions and deeds will cease to be 
unnecessary and they will start 
to serve the higher aims.  

The inner conflict in your life 
will begin to disappear and be 
replaced by harmony. "

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