Friday, March 7, 2025

Who Shall Give...



"Who shall give a lover any law?
Love is a great law, 
by my troth, 
thank any law written by mortal man".
~Geoffrey Chaucer

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Free Workshop! Monday, March 10, 2025 - The Ladder of Love - Our Story Within


                            Salvator Rosa (1615–1673), Jacob’s Dream (c 1665)

You are invited to attend a free workshop on Monday, March 10, 2025 -  "The Ladder of Love: Our Story Within" 

Many spiritual teachers have used the symbol of the ladder as a way to make humanity more aware of its journey toward the union between heart and soul. Each person's life is a series of experiences condensed into a long line of memories. Many are beautiful, but others are painful and difficult. Let us explore together the story within us and try to understand the step we are on.

"Put anger and pride under your feet, turn them into a ladder and climb higher." 

~ Rumi 

This workshop will be facilitated by Caroline O'Reilly.  Caroline is one of the founding members of the Academy and the Director of our Center in Ashland, Oregon. She has led philosophy groups for three decades in Europe, the United States, and Mexico. Join us for this FREE Meetup on ZOOM.

 Click here to register for this free workshop!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Maybe in moments of terror and confusion....


Jacob's Ladder - William Blake

In a dream, Jacob was shown multitudes 
of Angels coming up and down, 
something we are all familiar with 
over the years and has been 
the topic of many meetings.

Maybe in moments of terror and confusion 
one is disconnected from the other steps, 
frozen and unable to move up or down, 
unable to feel and really know that maybe, 
even the Lower steps are just illusory, 
in the way that the body  thinks, in duality. 

In fear and confusion 
we are still connected to the higher 
and have to trust to stay on that step in presence, 
and not to be tired by waiting.


Monday, March 3, 2025

A Perfect Example...


Jimmy Taurrell 

A perfect example for me 
of balancing all my centers is through music. 
Yes, it is so definitely in my essence,
 and I have had years 
of plumbing its depths as a performer. 
But even as a child 
I was attracted to music in a complete way—
I felt it so deeply (and transcendentally) 
with my lower and higher emotional centers. 
I took it in with its complex vibrations, 
feeling it course through my body, 
dancing with it, laughing, 
pondering its meaning. 
As I became more educated to its forms, 
I became amazed at the mathematical complexity 
and purity of its structures, 
especially with Bach, 
who has traveled with me since my infancy. 