Monday, March 3, 2025

A Perfect Example...


Jimmy Taurrell 

A perfect example for me 
of balancing all my centers is through music. 
Yes, it is so definitely in my essence,
 and I have had years 
of plumbing its depths as a performer. 
But even as a child 
I was attracted to music in a complete way—
I felt it so deeply (and transcendentally) 
with my lower and higher emotional centers. 
I took it in with its complex vibrations, 
feeling it course through my body, 
dancing with it, laughing, 
pondering its meaning. 
As I became more educated to its forms, 
I became amazed at the mathematical complexity 
and purity of its structures, 
especially with Bach, 
who has traveled with me since my infancy. 

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