Sunday, May 30, 2010

SOUL'S BREAKFAST - Day Seventy-five

Breakfast with Rumi

Tracks in the Night Sky

Tell me, is there any blessing
that someone’s not excluded from?
What do donkeys and cows
have to do with fancy desserts?
Every soul needs different nourishment,
but be aware if your food is accidental
and habitual, or if it’s something
that feeds your real nature.
It may be, like those who eat clay, that human beings
have forgotten what their original food is.
They may be feeding their diseases.
Our true food is God’s light.
Animals and what animals eat
are not right for humans.
But because they are sick and dizzy, pale,
stumbling and weak, they don’t hunt the game
that leaves its tracks in the nightsky.
Tasting that is done without silverware,
and without a throat. It comes down
from the throne of God. This other
is just dust kicked up from the carpet.
But we receive nourishment
from everyone we meet. Any association
is food. Planet comes near planet,
and both are affected.
Man comes together with woman,
and there’s a new baby! Iron meets stone,
sparks. Rain enters the ground, and sweet herbs appear.
When green things and people converge,
there’ll be laughter and dancing,
and that makes good and generous things begin.
As we move about in the open, our appetites sharpen.
Flushed faces come from the sun. That rose-red
the most beautiful color on earth.
Through such runnings-together, the potential world
becomes actual. Live in that place of pure being.
Don’t worry about having ten days of famousness here.
Revolve with me about the sun that never sets.
Work cannot be separated from the Worker.


Love & Light,

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