I have verified that the features of the machine (mind/body) cannot "accept" and
that being crystallized in one's features or one's formatory thinking or
feminine dominance keeps acceptance from becoming a reality.
From my perspective in this moment, what we speak of in our Work is "acceptance" in the active sense; the act of "receiving" what
IS. To accept is to be "receptive," to be open. It is with an inner
awareness, and in order to truly be in a state of acceptance and to
be Real, there are no I's (thoughts). It is not words, nor a thought, nor the
machine trying to be a "good" machine. It is embraced and just IS.
It is a truth ringing out through every cell of one's being.
This can be scary for the machine, as it is in Acceptance that the
machine can feel to be losing it's ground. In these moments of "fear", peeling back the onion layer, the observation has been made that
behind this "fear" is the question of "faith." In order to embrace
acceptance, one's faith must be strong; to be open to that which
is higher, to the invisible worlds.
As I am writing, it has come through me that To "accept" is a
gift to the soul, removing the denying force of the machine so that
it may be receptive to higher worlds. Humility is born through
Acceptance. Acceptance is the "surrender" of the machine and all it
"feels and thinks" it is ... bridging the soul to receive higher love.