Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Unless you can use it...

Anna Lea Merritt

Today, strangely enough I bought a new computer, and there is nothing on it. That's the way you are when you are born – there is nothing on you. We have to learn, we have to push "Enter" for information to go into you. One computer can have lots of Giga-bites disc and can have lots of information; and another can have very little information; but the one with lots of information is not necessarily any better than the one that has no information. You can fill up your hard disc with all sorts of rubbish. And these people who have full hard discs, full of rubbish, and they think that they are intelligent, or that they are capable of discussing many subjects, I have to show you that having knowledge is nothing. It just means your hard disc is full. Unless you can use it, it is no good.

    ~Mervyn J. Brady

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