Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mervyn J. Brady

The Ides of March

Dear All.

Normally people in life spend a lot of time expressing and feeling negativity. It has become so normal that most people even take it as normal, and sometimes even are proud of how well they express it.

We are striving to evolve and regenerate into something higher, [thus] we have to be more careful. In the work we try and not express negativity.  This is how we can best study it.

This is and has to be an ongoing situation, just as the effort to have our Souls present must be.

The 14th and 15th of March represent a time called "The Ides of March" or "The I”s of March.

Seven days before and after these dates is a time when "The Asteroids" come quite close to the Earth. Some feel it is the remains of a Planet that once was and perhaps exploded.

Schools look at them as a time for the Process of Crime.

Julius Caesar was stabbed in the back by his friends during this time in Shakespeare's play.

What actually happens is NOTHING......It is our I”s that create the crime. These Influences are especially difficult for any human who is working on being present.

Crime can enter your work, or you might say it is a time when "the Devil" is active. Real Schools know this and warn their Students to be very careful with the I's (thoughts) during these times. Some of you may lose the work during these times and I urge you not to leave the work until April 2nd.

April 1st is called "Fools Day" because it is this day we see how foolish we were during these periods.

All higher parts of you will be tested. This also means your Love Life. Crime can enter into all relationships, Lovers Parents and Children, Teachers and Students.

So my Dearest cautious. Be vigilant and watch each other for the I’s turning into a Fury. Support each other, and most important, please verify that your I’s become a little crazy.

Therefore please avoid and rash rush to action.

Everyone knows it is crazy....but not one person on Earth can stop it.

Please don’t allow your work or relationships fail, no matter how strong the urge will be to do it. This is your opportunity to experience a Month of Madness, and watch it consciously.

If you enter April and wake up on the 1st asking "Oh my God what have I done?"

Remember you have been warned.

Verify it this year, because it will arrive every year of your life... ..for the rest of it.

Call it your annual test by the Devil.

Good Luck and my Love to you all


London 8th March, 2003

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