Monday, May 30, 2022

I Have Realized ...

I have realized 
that the difference between the Academy 
and all other so-called “higher schools” 
is that to evolve, 
one doesn’t have to develop 
an understanding of the Fourth Way. 
In our school, 
being in the presence 
of another who is also present 
is also the way.

Friday, May 27, 2022

I Am Moved...


Marc Chagall

I am moved to share a little something 
about the nature of moving into a state of presence 
when I first joined the work 
and it ties in with duality. 
We came together, 
us students, 
to hear Mervyn talk about the work. 
We would gather, 
and as I understand it now, 
Mervyn was reading the room. 
How many different I's 
were needing to be attended to 
in his addressing of machines first. 
He gave our machines their space 
and in his voice, 
in his countenance, 
slowly he gave the okay to the machines 
in the undercurrent of lulling them to compliance 
and after so many words, whatever it took, 
in time – silence. 
He brought silence. 
It was not passive, nor active. 
It just was a lifting presence we all felt. 
I do not need to know everything. 
I know love. 
Maybe it is words are so imperfect yet we strive to use them. 
And I add to that, 
I do not need to know everything 
WHEN I know love.

Monday, May 23, 2022

He Who Is Not Contented...


Eduard Theodor Ritter von Grutzner

"He who is not contented with what he has, 
would not be contented 
with what he would like to have."

Friday, May 20, 2022

The Most Valuable...


"The most valuable possession you can own 
is an open heart. 
The most powerful weapon 
you can be 
is an instrument of peace."
~Carlos Santana

Monday, May 16, 2022

Jesus Went To The Desert ...


Jesus went to the desert 
for 40 days, 
a significant period in many ways. 
Rodney Collin defines the year 
in 40-day periods, 
as depicted by the enneagram, 
and the desert is a place of quiet. 
It can be like the way of the fakir. 
The machine is put in its place. 
It is humbled by realizing 
the power of nature. 
The machine is reminded 
of its weaknesses, 
of its ultimate reliance on water. 
The water of life must sustain the soul. 
With the machine humbled and quiet 
the soul can emerge with its full wings 
soaring above the desert floor. 
This is my aim here in the hot, 
stark desert.

Friday, May 13, 2022

I Have Been Reading ...


I have been reading recently some letters of Rilke, 
which are new to me. 
(He evidently wrote thousands of letters.) 
In one passage he talks about the value in having a friend 
who holds opposing views to our own, 
of treasuring this relationship. 
He says it is all too easy 
to think of those with opposing views 
as simply "other", or alien. 
But when we learn to embrace opposites 
in our closer relationships, 
we open up in ourselves as well, 
a "spaciousness" which can encompass 
the contradictions in ourselves. 
I think this is such a beautiful process, 
and I have been welcoming it more into my life. 
It opens up such new and unexpected possibilities.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Your Task...


Your task is not to seek for love, 
but merely to seek and find 
all the barriers within yourself 
that you have built against it.

Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī

Monday, May 9, 2022

The Gift of Presence


 Our mission is to bring the gift of "Presence" 
to as many people as possible and to deliver 
as many as possible from the lower worlds
 to a place where they can help in this great work.

~ Mervyn Brady

Friday, May 6, 2022

Grief, Beauty, Longing, and Patience

William Blake

I have lately learned to embrace opposites 
and feel the way the heart can open so wide. 
Grief and Beauty, and now, Longing and Patience. 
It is deepening me in my Work, bringing me higher, 
diminishing the "importance" of so much I had valued. 
I am looking forward to where this journey leads.



Wednesday, May 4, 2022

How Much Eternity...

Be out of sync with your times for just one day, 
and you will see how much eternity 
you contain within you.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke


Monday, May 2, 2022

I Am Moved To Share...


William Hallmark

I am moved to share a little something 
about the nature of moving into a state of presence 
when I first joined the work 
and it ties in with duality. 
We came together, 
us students, 
to hear Mervyn talk about the work. 
We would gather, 
and as I understand it now, 
Mervyn was reading the room. 
How many different I's 
were needing to be attended to 
in his addressing of machines first. 
He gave our machines their space and in his voice, 
in his countenance, 
slowly he gave the okay 
to the machines 
in the undercurrent of lulling them to compliance 
and after so many words, 
whatever it took, 
in time – silence. 
He brought silence. 
It was not passive, nor active. 
It just was a lifting presence we all felt. 
I do not need to know everything. 
I know love. 
Maybe it is words are so imperfect
 yet we strive to use them. 
And I add to that, 
I do not need to know everything 
WHEN I know love. 
May we be blessed. 
May we forever feel peace 
and never chase after it!!