Friday, June 28, 2024

Today I See...

Delores Fegan

Today I see the miracle in all things
How often I do not notice 
the miracles all around me, 
or honor all the kindnesses shown me, 
or allow myself 
to fully embrace the good that’s already in my life. 
Today I remember 
that every day is precious, 
every heart carries within it the Spirit of God, 
and every event contains the platform for a miracle. 
May I not be blind today 
to the awesomeness of life.
May the days be gone 
when I took for granted all the blessings in my life. 
May my eyes be open, 
that I might see more beauty; 
may my ears be open, 
that I might hear more truth; 
may my spirit be open, 
that I might feel the tender touch of God.
Today I see through a different set of eyes, 
that I might recognize 
the miracles all around me. 
I see the sparkle of light 
that surrounds all things and the yearning 
for love that exists in everyone. 
I see the innocence beyond guilt 
and the love beyond all fear. 
Thus I am reborn into the truth of who I am.
Today I see the miracle in all things
~Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I Learn To Purify...


Matthew Thomas

I learn to purify my power of seeing, 

not by dismissing what is undesirable 

or turning away and settling on the agreeable. 

I learn to see everything without refusing the details. 

I learn to see clearly. 

I see that all things have the same importance, 

and I accept failure as good for me. 

I begin again a thousand times. 

Everything depends on this seeing. 

~Jeanne De Salzmann

Monday, June 24, 2024

Being More Conscious...


Being more conscious 
is like living so many lifetimes 
and how I can cling to what I feel 
is important in my own life seems silly. 
Each day is, or can be, 
more invisible and immense, 
according to how high the real in me wishes to reach.

Friday, June 21, 2024

When We Begin...


When we begin to sacrifice suffering, 
we begin to create moon in ourselves.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

There Is A Life In You...


There is a Life in you.  
You can become sensitive, 
receptive to a finer material.  
It is important to mobilize attention 
and to be very watchful.  
What is needed is a very active attention, 
a strong attention.
Seeing at each moment:  
not so easy when talking or moving, 
but something sees how I am.  
Then it becomes possible for Attention to flow through.
A level of intensity 
can come by opening again and again to Presence. 
If I am near, 
I go deeper into that dimension. 
If I am far away, I come back.
Experience it, embody it.  
It is always there.  
Be aware of this finer Intelligence coming into me, 
through me. 
Silent mind. 
Allow the force of Life to come through.
The attention needs to be free. 
It needs to be very strong 
in order not to be distracted by associations or outer events. 
There is an external silence 
and an inner silence. 
With an inner silence 
a higher energy can come down from Above, 
and I can function, 
think, speak, from this Intelligence.
One has to open to it, 
and allow it to flow, 
to penetrate one’s being. 
The most important thing? 
It is to let the higher energy manifest in me 
so that all my functions serve the Light.
~Jean-Claude Lubtchansky

Monday, June 17, 2024

As S Mentioned...


Jan Matson

As S mentioned, 
the Moon helps keep us balanced, 
and helps us literally stand up. 
Rodney Collin says 
it creates a grounding effect with gravity 
and keeps us from slithering around 
like snakes on the ground. 
From the work perspective, 
perhaps it helps maintain 
a certain denying force in most triads, 
and as S said, 
motivates us to Work. 
So perhaps it represents our mechanical side 
that we must work against 
or reminds us of that part 
that can sit in opposition to our aim.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Never Lose An Opportunity...


  • Never lose an opportunity 
  • of seeing anything beautiful, 
  • for beauty is God's handwriting. 
  • ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, June 10, 2024

The School Is...

Erin Hanson

The school is like a bush full of flowers. 
We are all connected, 
we are all different, 
each one of us feels and sees life from a different perspective, 
but we all belong to the same love. 
We still must find our own intricate way 
of realizing what is our role, 
and it is reassuring to know 
that we are not alone, 
that we have other flowers to share this with.

Friday, June 7, 2024

I Think About...


William Blake

I think about William Blake 
and the other poets, musicians and painters/artists. 
All that we look to learn 
or be inspired by 
for their being and understandings. 
How long they held themselves 
in the realms of the angels 
to be of service to creative forces, 
and in this express the harmony of the centers, 
and so much time holding to bring us closer. 
To give oneself up to this is an act of grace, 
to trust in bringing something of yourself through, 
to show what you are seeing and feeling 
and not question its value 
is something for us to know deeply 
when on this path. 
Mervyn was doing this as well.

Monday, June 3, 2024

I Was Watching...

Dito Von Tease

I was watching a piece of Mervyn's lecture 
and getting ready 
to prepare for the next octave of mystic meetings, 
to watch his lectures in small bits at a time. 
And what he said is 
that most of the time impressions don’t reach the Soul, 
like quotes and angles from Students.
Do re mi. Do re mi
But we have to make the effort 
to like he said in the lecture 
“Remember You are in the Room.” 
And like Bennett said, 
Remember Your Breath NOW. 
Are we listening with our senses, 
like listening to let what we share reach the Soul. 
Often I am not 
and I go in and out in this meeting. 
But I pose this to myself for the first line of Grace.