Wednesday, June 19, 2024

There Is A Life In You...


There is a Life in you.  
You can become sensitive, 
receptive to a finer material.  
It is important to mobilize attention 
and to be very watchful.  
What is needed is a very active attention, 
a strong attention.
Seeing at each moment:  
not so easy when talking or moving, 
but something sees how I am.  
Then it becomes possible for Attention to flow through.
A level of intensity 
can come by opening again and again to Presence. 
If I am near, 
I go deeper into that dimension. 
If I am far away, I come back.
Experience it, embody it.  
It is always there.  
Be aware of this finer Intelligence coming into me, 
through me. 
Silent mind. 
Allow the force of Life to come through.
The attention needs to be free. 
It needs to be very strong 
in order not to be distracted by associations or outer events. 
There is an external silence 
and an inner silence. 
With an inner silence 
a higher energy can come down from Above, 
and I can function, 
think, speak, from this Intelligence.
One has to open to it, 
and allow it to flow, 
to penetrate one’s being. 
The most important thing? 
It is to let the higher energy manifest in me 
so that all my functions serve the Light.
~Jean-Claude Lubtchansky

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