Wednesday, July 31, 2024

My Joy


Andreas Cellarius

I would never have wandered across these endless countries.
You have poured out so much grace for me,
Done me so many favors, given me so many gifts --
I look everywhere for Your love --
Then suddenly I am filled with it.
O Captain of my Heart
Radiant Eye of Yearning in my breast,
I will never be free from You
As long as I live.
Be satisfied with me, Love,
And I am satisfied.
 - Rabia

Monday, July 29, 2024

Poem of the Atoms - Rumi


O’ day, arise!
shine your light, the atoms are dancing.

Thanks to him the universe is dancing,
overcome with ecstasy, free from body and mind.

I’ll whisper in your ear where their dance is leading them.

All the atoms in the air and in the desert are dancing,
puzzled and drunken to the ray of light,
they seem insane.

All these atoms are not so different than we are,
happy or miserable,
perplexed and bewildered

We are all beings in the ray of LIGHT from The Beloved,

Nothing can be said.

Monday, July 22, 2024

If I Sit...


If I sit for 25 to 30 minutes, 
at least twice a week in silence, 
it is much easier to see and work 
with the associative I’s. 
It makes it feel like 
it is possible to win against them. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

People Usually Consider...


“People usually consider walking on water 

or in thin air a miracle. 

But I think the real miracle 

is not to walk either on water or in thin air, 

but to walk on earth. 

Every day we are engaged in a miracle 

which we don't even recognize: 

a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, 

the black, curious eyes of a child—

our own two eyes. 

All is a miracle.” 

~Thich Nhat Hanh

Monday, July 15, 2024

"To Make Quiet Inside"...


Gwen John

"To make quiet inside". 
Gurdjieff isn't advising to stop associations, 
but to quiet them. 
So important. 
I feel the associations receding into the background. 
That leaves room for the higher to enter 
or the real part of me to come into being. 
It helps me to gain a foothold 
(or a least a toehold!) into this exercise. 
Associations can be likened to clouds 
moving across the sky. 
Both shift and change. 
Where am I? 
In what part of myself am I residing? 

Friday, July 12, 2024

I Am Reading...


I am reading St. Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle right now. 

Her vision of the soul 

is as if it were a castle made of a single diamond 

in which there are many rooms.

There are outer rooms (or mansions), 

and as one goes into the castle 

one becomes closer to god, 

and it certainly reflects the path 

that one takes in the Work. 

Initially, in the outer rooms, 

where we are more consumed with A influences, 

there are many “creatures, reptiles, etc.” 

that impede our being able to see the light 

that radiates from within. 

However, as one enters each consecutive room, 

there are other reptiles and demons 

that one needs to work with and be aware of. 

It is a lifelong process as we know.


Monday, July 8, 2024

The Queen Of Hearts...


The Queen of Hearts is fast and tricky 
and demands a lot of attention. 
It is imperative 
that one use the Queen’s energy to be present. 
If that is accomplished, 
then one can be catapulted into the moment.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

"Yes, That's Why We Are Students, Right?" "Sí, Por Eso Somos Estudiantes, ¿Verdad?"


Alejandro Guerra Aguilera

"Yes, that's why we are students, right? 
Learning from Mervyn's wisdom!

I had concluded 
that I do not know how to love. 
This is less dramatic than it sounds. 
We've never had the chance 
to know this approach to loving... 
but I want to learn. 
Yes, it is compelling and rather difficult. 

As you recall Mervyn says that Love, 
as the core object of our study, 
is not a feeling but a State. 
I was wondering that, maybe, 
some musicians (the true ones) 
what they do create 
is like a transcript of that connection 
with the State of Love. 
Perhaps not all the musicians are able to reach, 
and then be able to sustain, 
that State of pure Joy, 
Bewilderness, and Love. 
And when they do so 
they are able to "transcript" from the highest place 
something to remember, 
that will last forever, 
because conscious work is timeless, 
and has no expiration date.

Of course, 
not everybody creates that kind of music. 
And -perhaps- 
this requires a degree of sophistication and education 
to become accomplished musicians 
and then to CREATE actual Music. 
Ordinary "music" will be forgotten in a year or two. 
But real creations can endure the passing of time.

From, like, two months ago, 
I have been writing small poems. 
Not in the form of verses but actual paragraphs. 
They are a recollection of profound moments 
I used to have with a formal lover. 
I'm writing them as a deliberate exercise 
to squeeze those moments that deserve to be remembered, 
cause they were moments when I was able, 
when she was able, 
when we were able to contemplate our Souls. 
The title I was thinking of 
is something like 
"Alejandro, the student who contemplated his Soul". "
Alejandro Guerra Aguilera

"Sí, por eso somos estudiantes, ¿verdad? 
¡Aprendiendo de la sabiduría de Mervyn!
He llegado a la conclusión de que no sé cómo amar. 
Esto es menos dramático de lo que parece. 
Nunca hemos tenido la oportunidad 
de conocer este enfoque del amor... 
pero quiero aprender. Sí, es convincente y bastante difícil.
Como recordarás, Mervyn dice que el Amor, 
como objeto central de nuestro estudio, 
no es un sentimiento sino un Estado. 
Me preguntaba si tal vez algunos músicos 
(los verdaderos) lo que crean es como 
una transcripción de esa conexión con el Estado del Amor. 
Quizás no todos los músicos son capaces de alcanzar, 
y luego mantener, ese Estado de pura Alegría, 
Asombro y Amor. 
Y cuando lo hacen, 
son capaces de "transcribir" desde el lugar 
más elevado algo para recordar, 
que durará para siempre, 
porque el trabajo consciente es atemporal 
y no tiene fecha de caducidad.
Por supuesto, 
no todo el mundo crea ese tipo de música. 
Y -quizás- esto requiere un grado de sofisticación 
y educación para convertirse en músicos 
consumados y luego CREAR Música real. 
La "música" ordinaria se olvidará en uno o dos años. 
Pero las creaciones reales pueden perdurar el paso del tiempo.
Desde hace como dos meses, 
he estado escribiendo pequeños poemas. 
No en forma de versos sino de párrafos reales. 
Son un recuerdo de momentos 
profundos que solía tener con una amante formal. 
Los estoy escribiendo como un ejercicio deliberado 
para exprimir esos momentos 
que merecen ser recordados, 
porque fueron momentos en los que yo fui capaz, 
ella fue capaz, fuimos capaces de contemplar nuestras Almas. 
El título que estaba pensando es algo así como 
"Alejandro, el estudiante que contempló su Alma".
Alejandro Guerra Aguilera

Monday, July 1, 2024

These Past Few Days...


These past few days 
I have had conversations with different people. 
And one in particular was with an elderly man 
that had a very full and interesting life as an actor. 
It is interesting 
when someone relates their life story to you over, say, 
the course of an hour. 
I was realizing something 
Mervyn would often say later on in his life, 
that each day was like a lifetime, 
so much change was happening. 
Being more conscious 
is like living so many lifetimes 
and how I can cling to what I feel is important 
in my own life seems silly. 
Each day is, or can be, 
more invisible and immense, 
according to how high the real in me wishes to reach.